Chapter 15

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The long waited chapter is here.


( Contains : cringe )

{ Word count : 1097 }


"My poor brother, what are you going to do to make things go your way?"

They smile at the dark place their in, eyes glinting with a little madness and happiness as he saw the two mortal find 'it' and on their way to L'manberg to settle with things.

"I hope, you two will succeed with these and don't mess things up"

They whispered to nothingness, they didn't want another miscalculation ever to happen again as their child already paid the consequences at the first one.


The Group arrived at the entrance of the small country only to be surprised of what's going on there....


"Dr-" "Drista!"

A certain ghost shout, and that ghost was named Dream.

He ran or floated to the new comer and hugged her tightly, smiling brightly but Drista didn't return it for a second he saw his big brother with her own eyes.

"Dr-dream?" Her voice was shaking at shock when she process what's happening, Her other brother is a ghost, A FUCKING GHOST!.

"Yeah?" As a ghost with a little memory look at her with a questioning looks. She forced a fake smile at her face, hiding her anger and pain behind it.

"I-" "Hey what about me!? I'm here too you know"

An annoyed voice from behind them called out for the two and cut Drista, ignoring the confused, sorrow, guilt and shocked expression from all around them.

"Sorry brother, I didn't see you there and I thought it was one of my imaginary friend" She clearly didn't sound so sorry at all and that just made Nightmare irritated but it didn't last long and it turned into a soft smile as he walk towards the two and joined the hug.

A very happy reunion for the three siblings... Until a voice cut this moment with a vulgar words.

"What the fuck!?"


I finally included the Male Alpha herself and of course the queen DRISTA


They broke from there hugs and look for the one disturb their reunion. Their eyes landed on a certain child and a demon.

"Woah, whoareyou?Areyouarealdemon?IsyourtailrealornotThehornstooaretheirrealornot?AreyouBadorGooddemon?Isthatyourrealskincolor?"

A ghost bombarded with question after question the poor demon who only look like about to cry there as he the ghost admin, infact all of the L'manberg townspeople do, they have this guilt and pained expression on their face.

"Dr-dream, is that re-really you?" A man with bandana ask with crack voice, body shaking slightly and tears ready to fall any moment at each sides of his eyes.

"How do you know my name, I don't even know you?" He tilted his head with no emotions behind his eyes beside curiosity. He didn't know this man and they just called him like he knows them. "Who are you and do you know me?" He floated towards the people leaving his siblings and the two simps behind, face showing them with so much curiosity and a little suspicion.

Ghost AdminWhere stories live. Discover now