Chapter 16

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I am awake and not sleep deprived anymore and here's the chap.


{Word count: 833 }


The red vines are now spreading towards the small country and is very sneaky too. The people all around there are so caught up with the two suprise that they didn't notice the vines.


A crimson colored egg starts to glow every now and then, as it open lightly to make a passage outside of it. A red diamond emerge from there and now walking like a puppet, void with emotion, a robot with a controller.

"Welcome Skeppy to your new home"

"Thank you for welcoming me Master"

His voice are now cold, but still have respect for the egg and the person, is it a person or a devil, behind it as he bow down to show it respect, face still blank and eyes red like the egg.


Don't take it in a wrong way okay ( or maybe it's just me... But still! )


Bad felt a little lightheaded afterwards, vision start to get hazy and blur, his body start to get numb and he felt like going back to the world of nothingness, body became a puppet, invisible strings red as the eggs control starts to make their way to his body.

He stumble and George notice this as he look at his friend with concern. He got to his friend and manage to steady him. Ignoring the two siblings infront of them, his friends are more important.

(Then... Why did you leave and abandoned the one that needed the most of it?)

"Bad, are you okay?"

He tried to call the other but he didn't get a response, he tried again.


And again

"Bad, can you hear me!?"

He pleaded the demon, he start to freak out when Bad lost consciousness and fell limp in his arms. He's so focused on what he's going to do that he forget that there's people with him.

"Bad! Hey wake up!"

His screams alert the others and they break out from their fear and look at the scene now.

"The hell!?"
"George! What happened!?"

Chorus of shouts and scream follows as they all saw Bad, in arms of the brunette, unconscious and look so deathly pale.

"I-i don't know!" George answered in whispers, his voice barely can be heard but thankfully they all heard it.

"What do you mean, you don't know!?"

"I just saw him like his about to fall and I manage to make stand properly and this happened!" He frantically scream at them.

The siblings didn't know what to do as they watch what happened, they shared look at each other and vanished in thin air.


He laugh as the first spark of chaos start mass genocide starts to effect them, he grinned maniacally at this, his eyes glinting with madness and  psychopathic happiness.

"You nearly fooled me XD, but I always had a back-up plan in mind. I only let the two run with no traps or something so they can cause more chaos for the second flag"

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