Chapter 33

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{ Word count : 1169 }


They had made Philza's condition stable, just need more time to heal now and far away to death. To their relief but they need to stop the Dreamon fast and that's what the meeting they called.

Dream, Ghostbur, Nikki, Puffy and Fundy are with Philza checking his condition or not allowed in the meeting.

Nearly all of the SMP members are now arguing.  They can't just let that slide, they need to stop him now but how...

"So where do we find him?" George ask. He's not playing anymore, he's getting serious now, that bitch just barge in and take them all in one swipe and runs away. "He could anywhere for Notch sake, he's  one of the God remember"

"George's right, he could be in Overworld, nether, end or maybe in another world" Jack Manifold says, he agreed with George, they can't just barrel in then pray they would win, it doesn't work on here now that they are fighting a literal God this time.

It bring the hopes of everybody down to 5% at this point. Both of them got a point, a literal God as their enemy and they can't go and search blind for him.

But they forgot one thing....


"You all really forget that I'm a child of the God that you all talking about right?" He spoke, getting some shock faces from them and maybe a disgust from them too. "I can just take you all where he is and fight him, or form a plan first and prepare before barging in" He is giving them a choice right now, wether to fight now or prepare first.

"He's right, we need to plan and prepare first, don't want anyone to lose a canon life now can we?" Karl inform them, if Nightmare didn't said this, they would have been searching blind now or in other circumstance that they are lucky to find him then they would've been corpse right now.

They all agreed with this, they all start to plan their attack and prepare for another battle. Another Ghost isn't a good thing, so they will need some serious help from someone.


They are conflicted about this seeing as he was about to go feral and slaughter them all after Lucid took them all in one swipe and hurt Phil, maybe took someone too but at a time like this they can't be bothered anymore. They shared one look at each other and nodded, marching to the path where Technoblade went, still holds some fear and hesitation but that didn't stop them from finding the man.

They all walk towards the forest or what is the remaining of it, the trees sliced in half, some burnt down, trails of dead animal body littering the path, making them swallowed the bile that made through their throats. Blood trails was helping them to locate the hybrid, it grossed them out but not that worse, they had seen more morbid than this.

Thankfully that it didn't take them that long to finally found him, the moon are now up above the sky making some light on their path as they all saw him at the open field, fighting mobs that surrounds him with ease. Killing them all like it's nothing and it made them look in awe, they all saw him fight before but that didn't stop them from being amazed and to feel fear at the same time.


As they all watch the hybrid fight, there's two figure far away from them all, weapons out as they let their feral side out.

"Would you like to have this dance tonight?" He offered the other, bloody red moon above them making it more dangerous than it is.

"I would love too"  They grin at this as they launched at each other in high speed.

Sword clashing to one another, as they evade, strike and block each attack. Dancing under the moonlight, creating a beautiful yet dangerous motions, it can make the audience in awe and amazement as well as fear.

"When was the last time we fought each other like this D?"  He ask the other, he block the sword that was coming from behind and he tried to do a backflip to caught the other off guard but, they only teleport not far away but enough to make a space for the both of them, they launched at each other again and they spoke.

"Is that how you distract your enemy in battle?" They playfully asked the other, who only grin cheekily at them.  "A strategy that you can only possess..." They rolled their eyes as they tried to stab the others stomach but didn't succeed. "Well if I'd answer, I'll say a centuries ago"

"It really been that long huh" they evade an arrow speeding to them and teleport right beside them as they successfully made a small cut on their arms. "And it looks like you've lost your touch"

"It looks like I did, I've been busy with something so I don't have time to train like you do" They examined the cut, it's not that deep so they just keep attacking, blocking and evading it's opponent.

"Wonder what that is?"







Their battle ended as the other collapsed, no bruises other than the cut on their arm but there's no other explaination to how they collapse. Perhaps because of exhaustion, it could be but the smirk painted on the other lips is erasing that theory, holding the unknown vile inside a glass bottle....

Poisoning is one of the best answer right now...





"And I've won, you're not in your best self today brother, how can you protect them now?"


All of them practiced, trained and brainstorm for the last few weeks, planning on how to defeat or capture the Dreamon God. They managed to get Technoblade to help them only to avenge his injured father.

They train every day, killing hostile mobs day and night, sparing each one to get their skills sharpen, Technoblade being the coach and the other formulating a flawless plan, it had to be perfect so no one will get injured.

Nightmare is practicing his magic, skills and mind, every day he would go to an open land, releasing the tension as he basically murdered each of his Target, wether it would be a living one or not.

Then it's time, they're ready to make the God pay.

They turned to Nightmare who's already using his magic to transport them all to the other place.

"Hope you all succeed and please rescue them...."

They all heard him mutter that, but they can't hear him clearly as black spots starts to cover their vision.


They all opened their eyes and greeted by the darkness all over the place, this got the confused, they all thought that Nightmare fooled them and send them to the wrong place but a voice stop them.

"What a nice surprise, I was about to find all of you, now I don't have too"


Things are getting serious now.


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