Chapter 52

316 14 16

Okay, who's skeleton is that? ^
( Not mine, credit to the owner )

: x


[ Word count : 1034 ]


Waking up groggily, groaning in protest when the sun rays hit his eyes. He covers himself with his blanket and tries to fall back to sleep only for someone to jump on him.

"Wake up!" It forced his breath to be knocked out of him, forcing him to get up and glare at the culprit. He see them smiling cheekily up to him. "Night said to wake you up Sleeping Beauty. It's time for you to train again" Giving his final glare with no malice inside, he finally got up and do his morning routine but not before talking back to his sister.

"Tommy really put a bad influence in you Dris, you've become a gremlin yourself" He purposely said that out loud before dashing to the bathroom, wheezing his lungs off when he hear his sister screeching in a distance.

After all that, they train, stock up more supplies for the trip and become more stronger than before. All of this happen in a span of two weeks. As the sun risen at the distance they readied themselves for this could be the last time they're alive, who knows, they could be dead when it end badly.

"Did anyone left anything behind or not?" Nightmare remind them. He doesn't want to take them to their destination only for them to have something left behind then they'll going back to get it.

"Nope nothing"

"Me too"

"Mine is in my inventory, friends gonna be left behind though but other than that no"

"All set in my inventory too"

They all shouts in response, just a second they're gonna be in somewhere else but before that Drista got in her mind.

"What about you Old man? Did you forgot something or nah?" She teased Phil, smiling cheekily as Phil's face scrunch in fake annoyance. They all snort at this, getting rid some of the tension that's been building up.

"I'm not that old kid, I didn't forget anything"

"Sure~" She hum, skipping her way to her older brother's sides. Quickly latching herself to Dream just to annoy him without talking.

"That's enough Drista" She just grumble in annoyance, still not releasing her brother from her leeching grip.

They all surrounds Nightmare, as he whispers some italics? words, no one even knew what it meant but they just stayed quiet before feeling themselves being pulled into something they can't explain. It stop when half a minute passed, nausea hit them after that bumpy ride well some of them.

"You gotta warn us when you do that! It was like sucking my soul again" Wilbur exclaimed, he still can't get over the fact he's been vacuum while sleeping in voids.

"No promises"

"You're a real nuisance Nightmare, a real menace" Fundy gasp a little, that ride was pretty bumpy even if it was only for 30 seconds. And Nightmare response was; "Oh? You only noticed, your sight must be bad when you didn't notice it earlier" This is his response to the furry man, looking proud and smug at what he did.

"Kids, kids you two are ugly"

Phil step at the center, stopping the potential fight that might broke out. The two of them just send him an accusation look.


He just ignored them and continue. "We still need to find our friends so focus"

Snickering slightly at this before traversing through the unknown dimension. Well, some of them. Nightmare and Drista for some reason can't come with them, and they don't know why. This has to be the reason why they can't help the others while they were captured.

"Can someone tell me why those two can't come with us even though they help the others finding Lucid?" Dream ask them all but neither had the answer.

"That's what I've been thinking about to kid" A familiar echoing voice blurted out, just above their head. Looking up and see a floating goat ghost drinking a vodka. "Sup"


"Yes, it's me the dictator of that little country of yours but I go by Glatt now" Drinking more of his vodka then summoning another one when he just finished the other. They all just watch him in silence, still shock to why he's here. "So are you gonna save their asses?"

Breaking out of their stupor, Philza answer. "I- uh yes.. I mean yes, that's why we're here" it really is a rare sight, seeing the man that rule a country with a dictatorship and died from the cause of heart attack, floating here while drinking a bottle of vodka's like it's nothing.

"Well good luck on that buddy, now don't mind me drinking my ass off, so shoo! Go save them or whatever"

They give their awkward goodbye wave before going into their way, leaving the ghost drinking his hearts off, not worrying about dying again. He's already dead, so take that! He won't be dying anytime soon, unlike someone. Who cares if they die? He just wants to drink his alcohol in peace and maybe some company too.

"Starlight huh? That's him" Watching from afar, eyes following the disappearing group from his sight. "The promise you two have is already long gone, how can you fulfill it?"


"Well that was..... surprising" Puffy started out, walking into the black void they are in. It's completely empty and dark, even lights won't work even though they can see just fine.

"Yeah..." Wilbur silently speak. He still don't know what to feel about that, it's clear that Schlatt or Glatt or whatever still had his memories since how he talk. He has his very annoying personality even after death.

"Don't worry about him now, we have a egg to fry"



"They're here, bring them over without them noticing you" Ordering the plant who glow in response, letting its red vines crawl out the building, much more faster that the last time.

"Your little Daydream is here, how can you help him when you're chained down there XD?" He ask the floating ball in his hands where a god were trapped. He could see them tries to break free but it's just too strong, but he will eventually let them out when the time comes.


A/N: A clue is on the loose, can you guess what it is?

Also thanks for the 54k reads! I didn't think that this fanfic will boom since this is only for fun and entertainment, a freestyle writing with no plot.

I'm sorry to inform that the updates from this and my other books will not as active as I am today cause of school. Yes school, mine will start at 23th of this month. I'm going to try and update as much as possible when I had the time. I'm deeply sorry for this.

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