Chapter 32

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{ Word count : 1112 }


He ran through the freezing cold wind, wings tucked safely and warm under the coat. Holding the book closer to his chest, not wanting to let go of it, even if it means lives is on the game, he will gamble his own safety just to go and deliver this book to the country.

"Hope I can make it in time" He whisper, resting at the open cave to regain his breath and warm. Walking to a -10 degrees celsius isn't a good idea, especially on foot but he need to do it and fast cause there's two eyes watching him. "Cause I can feel that something or someone's watching me"

He felt that it's okay to go back again, walking to the knee deep snow, moving slowly to preserve his energy but still fast enough to make his breath ragged.

He can just use his wings but after the first L'manberg explosion, it was still healing, burnt feathers and few crack bones are making it hard to move. He felt a shiver going up to his spine, a feeling he can't remove even after he got out of the knee deep snow and just jogging at normal speed.

"Shit-" A quick pain cursing to his body as his vision blackened.

"Hmm... What are we going to do with him?"

"I'll make a special delivery to them but not before damaging the gift"


Did someone felt that or is it just me?

No I think I felt that too

Yeah me too

Is he....

He's in the cabin and no one knows about it

Yeah so why would it go like this?

Techno's chat became more serious, he never heard them like this before, only when....

"Chat, it's not him right?" He ask hopefully they are just trolling them or joking around.


Dadza is in danger

Kill them


Dadza hurt

Crow father is down!

Blood for the Blood God

He stayed still as his voices chanted Blood over and over again, his red ruby eyes darken and starts to glow under the shadows that his face casted. A small growl left him and released a bloodlust that covered an entire country.

The small celebration died down as they felt the bloodlust coming from the hybrid, they all start to tremble at this. Turning around to see Techno holding his sword and growling can be heard when you listen carefully.

"Te-techno?" Ghostbur hesitantly call his brother. Even he's a ghost now, an angry and serious techno will make sure that they'll die again. "Is something wr-wrong?" He manage to stuttered out of his trembling voice.

"Heh-" Techno's voice just got deeper and it sent shiver and fear to them. He faced them and his bloody red eyes are glowing with feral and vengeance. "The voices demand blood and I'm not against it" He broke a small smile, his tusk showing up as his sclera began to take colors of black.

Ghostbur stayed silent, not moving at all in his spot as he lowered his head down. It got them all concerned in why would they sat like this and one more voice suprise them all.

"There's only one thing that could get you to this state and I'm not stopping you" Tommy blurted out, his icy blue eyes is not shining with playfulness and childishness, instead the same way as Technoblade's eyes now.

"Wh-why are you guys acting like that?" Fundy ask the trio, the bloodlust that the three of them releasing is getting more violent.

"Dadza" Techno answer but it didn't have them a single clue at all until Ghostbur add one word.

"Danger" Ghostbur said seriously not the voice full of happiness, it's like he got revive and came back as Alivebur.

"Hurt" Tommy muttered, loud enough that the other heard him and they piece each word and got the answer.

Before anyone could say anything a cloud of purple smokes invaded their vision, they cough as the smoke disappear. They all got into position, clearly familiar with the color of the smokes right now.

I mean how could they forget that day it happened....

"Hope you all don't mind if I deliver a package here" A painfully familiar voice rang through their ears, they all gritted their teeth at this, barely containing their anger to pounce at the figure. "Please be gentle at my gift for you all and don't worry it's still alive~" He smiles innocently at them as he snap his finger and a small thump can be heard.

There, a body covered in blood from head to toe, blonde hair turns into a red color, wings on his back twisted into a painful angle, cuts littering his body as blood started to pool underneath the body.

It was a familiar scene to those who had seen it before, this made them pause in their spot, mind cannot operate at the painfully familiar scene until a certain ghost floated to the man.

"Ph-phil?" His voice weakened, eyes widen as he floats slowly to the injured man, shaking to wake the man up. "Wake up please" his hands are covered with blood but he doesn't care, he just keep shaking the man to wake him up.

"Techno!" He screamed at the hybrid who is frozen at his spot, staring at the man. The scream got them broke out of their shock and starts to heal the man.

"Shit shit shit! Someone hand me a regen potion and bandages!"


"I have gapples here!"


"No no"

"You gotta wake up old man, you are not dying like this"

The Dreamon was smiling the whole time, watching as they struggle to heal their friend.

After they had somewhat made the blood stop flowing they all turned around at the Dreamon, glaring daggers at him with weapons ready to strike him down.

"You bitch!"

They all tried to strike him down but before they could get closer, he teleport behind each of them and gave them a little chop at the back, stomach and neck. Techno manage to dodge this and this impressed the Dreamon.

"Tsk only that? Be grateful that I spared your lives today but until the next time we meet, you'll be a spirit wondering around"

Then he disappears, like the day it happened.


"I think, it's time to pay a visit isn't it?"

They glanced at the mask, sitting innocently at the table. XD craved into it.

"I haven't payed a visit to you my beloved brother, a centuries that passed since we actually met face to face"


"All is according to plan and I got the new member with me"


Techno really got that radar open 24/7 where he could sense if Dadza is in danger or not.

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