Chapter 28

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Here take this picture I found in youtube as a little gift



{ Word count : 1306 }


Two eyes spying in the dark

Looking for a souls to be his puppets. His four collection are still not good and the fifth one isn't that hard to break. He just want another one and maybe more....

A souls will soon meet their demise.

More souls means more fun. More fun means more chaos. Chaos is his only frien that stuck to him no matter what  that it became somewhat his only lover, the screams of his enemy are his favorite music and he likes to paint the whole world with a one of a kind crimson colored paint that can only be found in humans.

A piece of his mind games that can get him into more trouble that he is now. Making friends is the least thing he would do.

Giving him more fun to cause pain. A manipulation is a gift given to him by the world. No one knows how or why he got it but he doesn't care, as long as there's chaos maybe he can be a little sane.

Pulling the strings on their frail body.
A little marionettes is what he likes.
Collecting them like a trophies.

He watch as one mortal got caught, trying to get out. No one was around, no one can see and even help them. It caused him to be more crazy than before, a rush of adrenaline cursing through his vein to think of a plan that in the end he will win.

It's only fun and games that he always won.
A game with more cruel punishments and consequences.

"After all...

As a God of Chaos and Death, a little punishments and consequences is only a sprinkles of chaos....



"Is it just me or the vines just get a little faster than before?" Purpled ask as he stab the vines and burned them causing a chain reaction. Sapnap couldn't be more proud of him.

"Thank Notch that someone noticed this cause I thought I had taken drugs that the dosage is through the roof today" Quackity sigh, he really didn't know that he said that out loud that many heard him.

"Wait what!"

"Nothing, pretend you all didn't heard that!"

They all just shakes their head and focused on the fight. Purpled is right, the vines seems more faster than before and it's getting them nowhere.

At the shadows where a hybrid just watching them with the annoying voices in his head.

Can we just use the sheeps or the cows to eat it right?

Boo it's only a vines what's the worse that could happened

Don't jinx it

They're only saying the truth


Techno's voices acted up again, he's not participating with them to destroy the vines. It's not that hard to destroy them.

"Nerds can't even handle a vine, what will happened if we fought the one who did this?" He just watch and play with his axe, twirling around and tossing it. The voices agrees with him.

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