Chapter 3

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This is an inspired chapter by the book called He's Dead


{Word count : 1199 }

Contain : angst with fluff


In the middle of a jungle where a figure appears, they look around or floating inches above the ground. This creature was amazed and scared at the same time by all the animals and plants it sees along the way.

They floated around the jungle until they reach the snow biome without knowing. They played around the snow, giggling and laughing while the other wild animals come and joined them.

This go for an hour until a voice from just a a short distance scared them...


This confused the figure, they look at the owner of the voice and saw a hybrid wearing a royal outfit, fit for a king, then they asked him.

"W-who are you and h-how do you know my name?"

"What do you mean? Is this a joke? Cause it's not funny Dream"

"A joke? What's that?" they asked the man.

They floated closer to the hybrid then stop just in front from him, tilting their head to the side, waiting for the answer.

But the hybrid just stared at them, still couldn't believe what he sees right in front of him. The admin of this world, floating inches above the ground with tons of bandages wrapped around his arms and legs. The fearless man, staring at him with innocence held from his emerald green eyes.

"You really are a ghost now huh?" The hybrid lowered his head then he reached out for the ghost hand "Come with me then maybe you'll remember me again, Dream"

Dream hesitantly accept the hand reached out for him. The cold sensation of the ghost skin touch a warm one but this doesn't bother the hybrid, after all he lived in the snow biome.

They walked together, or atleast one of them walked and the other just floating around.

"Um, can I know your name?" Dream fiddled with his hoodie. "I-it's okay if you don't want too!?"

"Oh, my name's Technoblade, Techno for short"

"Woah, that's a cool name Techno and it fits you too, Like a Blood God" Dream cheered.

"Well, I do have some voices saying

Blood for the Blood God...
Skull for the Skull throne...

Or sometimes




It gets really loud when all of them wants the same" Techno said nonchalantly like it's nothing.

"You have one of the voice too! Cool, I have some too but they're really different from yours" Dream said happily and this obviously got the attention of Techno.

"How so?"

"Do you really want the whole thing or just a fraction of it?"

"It's up to you"

"Well, they say words like this...

You're a monster....
A tyrant..
You should die..
Nobody wants you...
You're dead that's good...
You're worthless...

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