Chapter 46

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[ Word count : 759 ]


-At the hell or other side-

As he said that, they began to glare at them. Trying to be tough outside but inside they were scared on what would the Eggpire will do to them. The adults keep the teens out of the enemies line of sight, hiding them to protect and defend them when some tries to harm them.

Now getting his desirable expression from them, Lucid and his followers got out of the room, making sure to lock the door out, double lock with magic to be near unbreakable. Smirking slightly when he heard a muffled sigh and murmur from behind the closed door, his ear can hear anything from his 4 radius away from him, even when there's magic or enchantment blocking him out.

‘ We need to get them to one life each, so the one with max lives will be the first one to go ’ He thought, walking away from the room. Going through the stairs and opening up a redstone contraptions to go out of their basement.

He let himself relax slightly when he sit in his chair - it's a throne but he likes to call it a chair cause it is one - waiting for his marionettes to sit down and start telling them his order to them.

"I will assign each one of you to do as you please with them. I just need them to be one life each, it can be in a way of torture or kill them directly. No aggravating or getting them riled up when it's not your turn to kill them or something. Understood" He got a nod, smiling in satisfaction he dismissed them as he got comfortable in his chair watching as his whole domain broke into chaos again.

The six controlled men, now smiling devilishly at this. They agreed that three person each day to torture.

The very first one on the list.




Ponk quickly volunteer for Sam, they agreed at this. Ponk lit up, bloodlust escaping him as he thought many ways to torture someone. Oh this is gonna be a good day for them.


- The two adventurers -

Now marching into the unknown, going further away from their homeland as they continue the search for certain flower.

"Do you think it's going to be a successful revival when we perform it?" Fundy suddenly said, his ears dropping as his tail remained still. "I don't want this to messed up again" Voice now going into a hushed whispers, his mind wander to the day where all this happen.

A failed exorcism.

He still couldn't forgave himself.

It's his fault that this happened.

If he didn't did all of that exorcism then maybe, this wouldn't happen.

His fault that Dream died!

His mind fuel this with more berating to himself, stoping in his track as he stared off the ground. Hands clenching in frustration and anger that directed to himself.

Philza notice this, stopping from his tracks and carefully give Fundy a pat while smiling softly. "It'll work Fundy, nothing's gonna go wrong this okay?" Slowly pulling the fox hybrid into a hug. "So don't blame yourself, no one knows what could've happened that day so it's not your fault" His parental instincts got too him and now is the right time to do it. Pulling away from the hug, smiling brightly to cheer the hybrid up. "We're gonna find that flower and bring our friend back, so don't lose hope today" Encouraging him at the point where he could see the same flame of determination and hope lit inside of his eyes. But there's still a self loathing inside, just waiting to be removed or grow.

"Y-yeah you're right" Chuckling weakly as they continue their journey to find a flower. "Sorry for cutting our time, Phil" Head still down, staring at the rocky path beneath them. "We should get going now" Forcing his eyes to look on the road not wanting to make this even harder, he already wasted their time and it's gonna be his fault if they didn't find any flower. Forced smile made it's way to his face as they start to look for the flower.

Phil observe the young hybrid, not convince but he'll let it slide for now.


??? POV

" A time God huh? " Smiling madly at this.

"  Let's see what potential he holds that they made him a vessel to travel timelines "
They stand up and going somewhere. Soft clicking of shoes can be heard in the silent hallways, it goes quieter and quieter until it stop.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'm having a author's block and my scramble sleeping schedule is getting into me.

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