Chapter 10

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[ Yeah two chapters in one day for not updating two days ago ]

{ Word count : 747 }


Snow biome - Technoblade's House


Dream woke early today and in a happy mood too, so he happily floats down the stairs to the kitchen to drink something for ghost only. He saw ghostbur there so he floats towards the other ghost.

"Hi, Ghostbur"
He greets him with a toothy smile.

"Hello Dream"

"Where are you going?" He ask as he sees the backpack and Friend in leash.

"I'm going back to L'manberg with Techno today!"

That name sounds familiar to him but it doesn't seem to ring a bell to make him remember things.

"L'manberg what's that?"

'Shoot! I wasn't supposed to say that' the blue loving ghost thought as he realize what he just said.

"We-well it's a pla-" "What's happening here?"

Thankfully a monotone voice cut in and that owner is none other than Techno himself. Techno walk towards them, face painted with his usual boredom and I don't care expression.

"I'm just asking where are you two going and what's L'manberg, he was just about to explain it to me until you cut him"

Dream being oblivious ghost, the eyes of the Blood God widen a little and give his ghost brother a small glare. As he was about to say something and a voice behind him spoke.

"L'manberg isn't that the place you told me when you're still alive?"

Nightmare question, fake curiosity in his voice and his eyes betrayed his acting by showing his anger. Techno saw this and can't help it as he was feeling the same. The same place where he's betrayed so many times, it's really a surprise that he didn't go insane.

Dream just start to wonder in his own memory, trying to remember it.

A few minutes later...

A light bulb appear on top of Dream's head.

"Oh yeah, it's where I live and there's more people living there too, I give you the invitation not too long ago... I think"

This gave them an idea. The two look at each other, communicating with their eyes and not a second later they agree to this. Techno and Nightmare nod at each other, smiling lightly.

The two ghost stared at them clueless, they didn't know what happened. A second ago they're just staring at each other and later they nod at each other like they agreed on something.



"Me and Techno thought that if you want to tag along with me of course?"

Dream eyes sparkling with excitement when he heard his brother said that, his background weirdly turn like sparkling one and this made him cuter. Techno and Wilbur just want to hug and kiss him but they refrain themselves.

But for Techno's side...

"Technoblade's In love!?

Oooohhh (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

(   ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




What happened!?

Tea, that's what happened "

Technoblade felt his cheecks burn up as the voices -he didn't know that could do this - start teasing him, he had a hard time to control his blush, but he can manage.


"Two potential candidates"

A voice said when they saw this, they write this quickly on their book.

"What will Nightmare going to do to stop this?"

They laugh as they see Nightmare in the background eyes twitching every now and then and smiling maniacally at the two.

"Goodluck Nightmare, you're going to need it in the future"

They wheezed at this as a though crossed their minds..

An Angry Nighmare chasing a whole mob with an oblivious Ghost behind him, just watching him clueless why he's chasing them.


'Two volunteer in the kneecaps company eyy'

Nightmare thought as he see the two blushing slightly at his brother. His eyes twitching and mind going mach 20 for his  future plans. His hands aching to hold his kneecap remover just not far away from him.

"Really!? I can come with you!"

He nod at his brother and this made Dream smile brightly at them and start to do a little dance. This just made him look so cute and even Nightmare can't help it but coo at his brother, then he remembered that there's still two people here. Now he really need is patience and strength to hold himself not to murder this two.

Technoblade might die at this, even though he nevah dies... And the ghost may die again with the logic here...

They said goodbye to Dadza and go on to their journey back to L'manberg...

Philza knowing how Nightmare's overprotective mode, he just pray for all of the poor souls, along with his sons.


Let's just say that, there's more kneecaps volunteers when they arrive at their destination.


Im really sorry that this is a short one, it's just that I don't have any ideas for this and I'm still having a little writer's block.

I don't want this to be Dream x Mcyt, just one ship for him. I need drama here.

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