Chapter 43

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A/N: Ain't he beautifully cursed? ^
(Not my art and found it while googling for some inspiration)



[ Word count : 943 ]


The four people are discussing on how to follow the others on the other side, theories after theories piling up as they plan what will be their enemies. The others had been silent since that last chat of their, no one replied and that gremlin didn't even annoyed them.

The two ghost are currently hanging outside, braiding their hairs, making a flower crowns and just having a peaceful day.

It was honestly all the same in a remaining hours until a chest just dropped in front of them, scaring the life of them - if they had one in a first place - Ghostbur quickly floated to the other while Dream inspect the chest.

A loud bang, scared the hell out of the four. They look at the door and saw Ghostbur had an panicking face and only muttered a few words to them.

"Don't ask. Just come with me" and after that he floated to the direction he went a minute ago and they just glanced at each other and followed the ghost.

After a few minutes of running and floating they had arrive at they destination, they saw a ghost floating above a chest, poking it with a stick or other things clearly trying to open it but choose not to.

"Dream what's that doing here?"

"I dunno, me and Ghostbur just hanging here and that chest appeared out of nowhere"

Fundy look at the chest, sniffing for any signs of danger but he couldn't sense anything so he walked over to it.

"Hmm... Can you back off a little bit I'm going go open it"

"You sure Fundy?"

"Yeah, this isn't the first time that I've opened a suspicious things you know"  he chuckled and going cautiously to open the chest.

They readied themselves for something to happen but got nothing, they got closer and found a book?

A big worn out book, it was just a half though and clearly anyone could tell it. There's also a sticky note on it.

"Hey guys if you found this book please read the content carefully it could help us all a lot and if you're wondering who this is it's us on the other side.

Ps. Please send us a message on how to tame the raccoon hybrid child.

The other side"

A sense of relief pass through them when  the book came from their friends, cause they couldn't afford that the Dreamon tricked them. They all got back to the community house, going to the table to open the book and a suprise greet them as they read it.

" Once in a decades, a very special flower that can be found under the specific conditions... Grows under the glittering bright skyline, moon shone bringing beauty to the said flower.

There's only ten scattered around the world, if you're lucky enough that it will bloom in a single location.

Why is it so special? You all must be asking

The flower was named after the offsprings of two powerful Gods.

Dream and Nightmare.

Dream- a flower that can heal and bring people back to life.

Nightmare - a flower that can hurt or kill people who touched them even a small poke could cause an life-threatening illness to the person.

[Ps. I don't know if there's a flower out there that have a name like this one so there's no pictures]

If the said godlings are in danger the flower will be very scarce to find or worse wilted even after the freshly bloom of it's flower.

If you want to revive someone just bring the three ingredient and follow the enchantment below"

After reading it, the four people look at each other in full determination that fuel the fire inside their souls. They know that they need to find atleast one of the flowers to help their beloved one's to be alive again.

They search high and low, wanting to find that one of a kind flower only blooms under the starry bright moon, glittering with stars among the skies. They all need to get that flower to help their friends.

So that's what happening, they didn't give up until they find a single flower. The image of bringing their loved one's back to life is fueling their hopes up.

Fundy and Philza are on the hunt right now as Puffy and Nikki stayed back to guard the two ghost.

They know it's going to be hard but the price they must pay just to be reunited with the loved one's is all they asked for a gift.

Even when they all search, they still keep their com open. After what happened, they couldn't afford to go like that again.

Nikki : Guys you still there?

Fundy : We're still here Nikki, finding that flower is harder that we thought.

Philza : Yeah mate, don't worry about us you still need to collect more things right?

Nikki : Puffy seems to know where we could get some totem of undying so we're crossing one from our list.

Philza : That's good, we just need five more then we'll be good to perform the ritual.

Fundy : Hope it works, not like the first one me and Tubbo perform....

Puffy : I just go back from the Totem hunt and Foolish was such a sweetheart to give me the two totems we need...

Nikki smiled at this, she was looking out for the two ghost that is sleeping with the blue sheep.

'Just a little more and then we'll help you guys'


"They had done it" A figure whispers low enough so that no one can hear them. A spark of happiness curse through them as they felt that it would come to an end.

"Don't forget our plan and promise my little starlight....

We've come so far to achieved it"


A/N : I sense some tangled vibe here....

Also who is that figure?

No it's not XD this time...

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