Chapter 19

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{ Word count : 777 }


"Are you guys okay?"


"Hey guys!"

Multiple voices tried to snap the group from the shock and suprise they got. They are still in daze and then...


A familiar loud voice boomed again but not as loud as it was before. And that really snap them out of their daze, blinking simultaneously and rubbing their ears to get the annoying ringing sounds. Once they all got out and composed, they all look at the one who shouted in the first place that even beat the annoying child.

But they didn't expect to see this.... They all thought it was only an illusion created by their desperate minds to see their Friend once more, that he was here like it never happened in the first place, wheezing at their pointless jokes, following you around like a duckling, giving you advice and be there when you need him.

They all tried to not choked a sob, as they see him there, not alive, floating above the ground looking at them with so much curiosity and innocence that it hurt them so much. They can see his eyes from the brightest emerald color to the lightest green they ever seen, his slight tan skin looking pale as ever, mask was gone but the guilt isn't.

"U-um Night are they okay?" A slight of concern and hesitation can be heard in his voice, as he look at the group eyes wide, mouth open like a dead fish, and shaking slightly.

"Beats me.. I only yell here and that's it" Night just shrugging it off and it's true he just yell and that is it. He didn't forget what happened earlier though....

"Maybe they want blue, they look sad" Ghostbur pipe out of nowhere, floating besides them or more specifically besides Dream. He have a handful of blue dye on his hands and his blue sheep just roaming there, not going anywhere further from them.

"Can I help you out?" Dream hope he will and maybe during that he can ask them who they are and why are they look so sad.

"Sure thing Dream"

"Let's goo"


The two boys run and run getting closer to their destination, they can almost reach it by their hands but a newcomer stopped tem on tracks with a vines, not spreading just besides this new person.

They got into a fighting stance and eyes sharpen, observing the new person. They can't see this person, just the silhouette of them.

"Who are you!?"

They demand answer from them but they only got a silent treatment. The person starts to move forward slowly, they drawn their weapons out just in case something happens.

"Stay back!"

But that was futile attempt to scare the new person as they just keep advancing till they see the person. They start shaking slightly small but still noticable.

"Do you really think a little attempt like that could scare me?" Their voice was so monotone and low, they already have an enchanted netherite sword drawn out with a red color in them. "Pathetic..."

"I thought you're already wanted from here? What are you doing here!?" Ranboo yelled, his hands clutching his books of memories, hugging it tightly.

"It's not like I wanted to be here but a little accident happen not so long ago that I need to be here"

"Okay...." They are still wary from this person, the two of them know what this person is capable of and they know that they can't defeat them, so they need to be clever "What is this accident that you need to be here?" Purpled ask this person and they heard them sigh a little then answering them.

"It's a little complicated that you two will understand if you see it with your own eyes"

"How can we sure that this is not a lie?" Purpled held his weapon tighter and eyes not leaving this person.

"Do I look like a person that would lie to you?"

"Yes" No sugarcoating, just straight answer.

"You two are lucky that you aren't them"

"Aren't what?"

"Orphans, cause if you two are then, my little friend here is ready to play with you two"

"What?" They have this dumbfound expression in their faces, looking at the man infront of them with such emotions.

"You two heard me, basically the SMP adults adopt you two.... Especially him"

"What are you talking about Blade"

That really turn this man face to annoyed one and a little hurt. His face was twitching with disgust and anger.

"Nothing and for the love of nether don't call me that just Technoblade or Techno"


It's 2:00 am here and I'm really sleepy, so take this one and I get my sleep.

( Edit : I am alive now, sorry if I came out rude there readers )

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