Chapter 37

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[ Word count : 1227 ]


"Jschlatt?" Quackity ask the ghost, eyes still glossing with tears as he look at the blue sweater ghost hovering above them.

"Damn right, it's me the famous dictator of that little country of yours" He says as he drink the bottle of liquor, gulping it all up. "What was the name again? La la, Manberg right?"

"You bitch! It's L'manberg get that through your dead brain" Tommy shouts to the ghost who only bark another laughter at his anger and it made him annoyed. "Stop laughing you goat freak!" A futile attempt to scare the ghost and it only repay him more laughter at the man.

After a minute of laughing the ghost man finally stop and now shaking his head at the hybrid under him.

"Tommy tommy" His smile not leaving his face as he look at the child. "Do you think by shouting at me like that would shut me up?" He taunted the child, trying to provoke him to go feral or throw tantrum like a literal child he is. "Are you really sure that you aren't a child?" He took a dramatic pause to eyeing the hybrid up and down before continuing. "Cause if you want us to treat you like an adult then stop throwing that useless tantrum of yours"

He took that as a win as the said hybrid couldn't say a comeback.

"Finally using your head now don't you?" He took a gulp at his liquor. "Now do you think by acting brash all of the time would make you the winner at the end?" He ask the teen, eyes looking directly at the blue orbs. "Can't answer me now huh? So will you please shut the fuck" He look at the onlookers, smiling at them like he didn't do anything earlier.

They all went wide eyes as the loud teen quieted, can't really believe that the ghost of the past president of the country they lived in shut the untamable loud teen just by that. All of them didn't have time to process what the fuck just happened...

All but one.

I think you all know who this is...

If some of don't know then it's Techno.

He was just watching all of this happen, hiding his snickering and chuckle as the child got owned by a ram hybrid. The voices got quiet as they all watch the drama happen, trying to not make noise as possible so they all can hear what's happening.

Now that it's all over they all gone feral.

Hahaha the child got owned L


That little raccoon finally quieted huh

Thank Nether that it's quiet






He let out a silent chuckle as the voice keep insulting Tommy in his head, he can't help but agree at the them.

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