Chapter 30

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{ Word count : 824 }


The two converse under the building, hidden among it's peers, they are just chatting not wanting to help or do anything but a single name of the mob, making the pigling hybrid's ear perk up.

"Did someone said ravenger?" He look everywhere, eyes scanning every one who battled the vines looking for who said the name. He come out of the shadows and see the two teens at the corner giggling as Drista pulled out an object and yelled.

"Who wants some Ravenger spawn Eggs, it free off charge!"

This got them all to look at the teen with a deadpan and 'are you serious' look, she wasn't bothered by all of this instead she just laugh, until a monotone voice rang out.

"Can I have them?" Techno's excitement was flawing out him, he couldn't help but be excited when he see or heard a ravenger since it's his favorite mob.

"Sure, here you go" She handed him a stack of the egg. "Pleasure doing business with you sir"

"Pleasure doing business with you too miss" He look at the egg in his hands and turned around with a glinting eyes...

"Oh no..."

"Tommy?" Tubbo voice filled with concern as he saw his bestfriend shaking at the sight of Techno holding an Egg.

"She shouldn't have done that.."

"What do you mean Tommy?" Nikki from behind them ask the teen. They all waited for the answer but only got a nervous chuckle out of the child.

"Fuck this shit I'm out"

And then he chunk a pearl pretty impressively far, this got them a little nervous to, it only got worse when they heard a familiar monotone chuckled.

"Rise my beast!"

Before they knew it, twenty massive ravenger sprung to life as he tossed the eggs from the air.

"Oh- this shits gonna hurt" Fundy said out loud and he got a few glares from the others that made him feel smaller.

"You think!"


"You finally arrive" A demon glanced at the person who just smiled at them, red eyes glowing with mischief. "It took you that long huh?"

"Can have the other be suspicious at me right?" They playfully said, smiling like there's no glares thrown at him. "Don't look at me like that, it's not like I have took a detour to get here"

"You're lucky that you made it in time cause we would've murdered you by now" A feline hissed, eyes slitting indicating that he is serious.

"Damn, you're one of the feisty cat i have ever encountered" He teased the feline who shot a sneer at them, growling at them small fangs baring at them.

"Shut up before I claw you out" They just chuckled at this futile attempt. "Aww kitty's mad, what are you gonna do with that little claw you have?" They tease more to the feline that was clearly more agitate and  before he could pounce on them a voice interrupt their banter.

"That's enough, as much as I like you two to fight, we have other enemies to destroy" A deep voice rang out the building and they bow down to the man, showing their respect and the vines seemed to bow down as well.

"You five ready for some real fun?" He ask them, knowing what their answer making him smile more devilishly. "Well might as well greet them and maybe you'll see who's the new member" They grinned at this, eyes shining with mischief and chaos to do, barely containing their excitement as they start to reach for their weapons.

"Crimson, can you bring your vines back? Just make it like your retreating them to make them all think that they had won" He command the egg, they glowed twice indicating that they will, they can see how the vines moving back slowly as possible.

"Hey Skeppy do you want to spar?" Hbomb glance to the Ruby man, he only nod at the man and launched at high speed, not slowing down or holding back.

"A full out sparring session ayy, then I will too" Hbomb quickly block the attack as he smile darkly, slashing his opponent with the same force.


Two ghost from the top of the building woke up from the noise, they take a look and if they aren't a ghost they could have died from laughter.

"Ahhh help!!!"

"Shit! Techno why did you do that!!??"

"NOOOOOOOO, Tubbo use the nuke to kill them!!"

"I can't!!! The place where I put them is far away from here!!!"

"Do it and I will execute you one more time Mr. President"

"Oh Techno just did not spawn the ravengers" Ghostbur manage to say under his laughter. He can't help it as the other suffer from this.

"Hahaha, this is gold!" Dream is now wheezing like a Teakettle, if he isn't a ghost now, he would be dead from the wheezing he did.


"It's close, I hope they can do it in time"


Sorry for not updating!

I'm having cramps here, its my time in month.

Why did it have to happen in girls?

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