Chapter 55

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If you only focus at it's eyes and slowly shake the screen, the body will move but the eyes will not.

Ain't that creepy

( Credit XxDark EmbersxX )


[ Word count : 1222 ]


Nikki : Anyone seen them?

Puffy : No

Dream : ^

Philza : Nope

Fundy : Same here

Dream : Wilbur?

Wilbur : They're clinging onto me.... Well only the consious ones that is

Puffy : Good, send us your location

Puffy : Wait- consious one?

Wilbur : Yup and here's my location *proceeds to type a whole ass essay of directions that they all miraculously understand*

Nikki : The kids better be in good state or I'm gonna skin you alive Soot

Wilbur : I- Yes ma'am!

Nikki : Good


As the four of them quickly got on their feet and run to where Wilbur's essay brought them. Taking sharp turns here and there until they see each other.

"Dream!" Fundy exclaimed as he runs towards the said man. Hugging Dream gently before backing up.

You can hear some bones crack from somewhere along with a sudden dark aura around them, it felt like the gravity had pulled them down, holding them in place because they couldn't move. The most affected one tho is Fundy, his ears and tail are pressed against his skull and tucked in the middle of his thighs. Trembling more when a pair of glowing eyes and an eerie smile was found by his eyes. Mentally cursing himself that he already forgot about the situation.

Puffy's gonna skin me alive, shit! Well atleast I got a hug from Dream before I died

The furry thought as he accepts his death, he still had Dream's lingering heat from when he hugged the man so it's still a win-win situation for him.

He just stand there waiting for the woman's weapons or hands to hit him but it didn't when Nikki points something that saved his life.

"That's the door right?"

Typing at her comm, waiting for several seconds a ping of someone messaging rang to their comm.

Wilbur : That's the one and please hurry 'cause I can't get out of this death hug :/

Fundy : Hope you won't suffocate 'cause that would be a shame

As they all got their confirmation, Nikki didn't think any second thoughts and just barrel her way in, kicking the door open and quickly but carefully ran her way down to the basement. She's really hyper today, judging by her laughter and giggles, she had eaten sweets from when they were searching for the kidnapped group.

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