Chapter 57

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A/N: I had forgotten to put a meme, I apologize for it. ^ Credits to the owner.



[ Word count : 1661 ]


There it is...

One of the cause of their problems, glowing intensely at them.

They were about to attack if it weren't for a group of six blocking their way, eyes shining abnormally under it's
"Cover me" He ordered as he dashed forward. The two nodding their head as they follow the greenette, cutting vines right and left. Dream got closer to it as he skillfully dodging each vines that came into his way, switching his weapon into a pickaxe when he is closer but a loner vine came to his sight.

"Gah!" He hissed, that vine just got a lucky hit.  Quickly equipping an axe to his other hand, cutting each threats while still running to the source of this thing. His hands is getting itchy, buzzing with excitement to break that Egg down.

"Dream you okay!" Wilbur shouts in worry, he only rolled his eyes as he shouts in reply. "Don't worry about you idiot! There's literally a dozen of vines circling you!" Techno grunted in annoyance and Dream don't know why... Hmmm, could've been the vines.

' Go back to our main objective here Aka, break the Omelette '


Sapnap, Karl and Quackity fighting side by side. They fought Bad and Skeppy, trying to make them unconscious so they wouldn't have to resort into killing.

"Dad, please! Snap out of it!" Screamed a young fireborn hybrid, blocking his father's attack.

The two only scowled at him, putting more weight and power onto their attack. Quackity and Karl just keep attacking when they were given a chance and defend themselves for an incoming heavy blows.

"Sap, it's not worth it" Sapnap was about to snap to those who said that but he shut up when they continued. "They aren't here right now, it's not them so please" His hold from his weapon got loosen a bit and that was the biggest mistake he probably did as Skeppy quickly launch his series of attacks. Prying the sword out of the Fireborn's arm, then he kick him hard on the chest, among the younger lost his balance while hacking some blood out from the force.

"SAPNAP!!!" His fiances scream for him.

His back hurts from the impact of his fall, still he tries to sit up and proven to be successful.

"Always let your guard up when in battlefield, tch" His cold voice sent shiver from the duo, while Sapnap was in shock that he couldn't move, looking at his shaking limbs.

"Awe don't be like that Skeppy" A cheery voice replies, his moved were flawless as ever, dodging each attack as if he's dancing. Giggling when he heard the red diamond just made a 'Tch' sound at him.



Nikki, Puffy and Phil quickly dashed towards all the minors, checking them all four thoroughly for any bruises or wounds.

"You kids okay!?"
"Do any of you have a wounds or bruises?- there's nothing good"
"Are you sure?"

They each fire their questions leaving all the minors a little annoyed by this but can't help to smile at their concerns for them.

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