Chapter 31

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{ Word count : 878 }


They all fought the vines and Ravengers at the same time, blame it on Drista and Ranboo who gave her the idea to give the hybrid an spawn egg, they are currently laughing their heads off on top of the uninfected buildings.

Techno eventually help them get rid of the vines, chopping them down easily and they seemed never growing again instead wilted or retreating but they were caught up with the mobs that they couldn't noticed that the vines is slowly retreating.

Sam, Sapnap, Quackity and Jack are teaming up against six ravengers, the others on the four and the vines, they all attack it while blocking the heavy blows that the mob was releasing, it last ten minutes to finished three of them and sixteen minutes in total for all of them.

Tommy surprisingly came back, looking around to see if there's still a ravenger running around but there's no more, so he gone back to being feral child again and attack the vines viscously...

"THE VINES ARE RETREATING!!" Someone yelled, they look to see if it's true and it is, vines crawling back to where they came from and a moment of silence broke out.

They all look at each other, smiles breaking out to their face as they celebrate the unofficial win...

They are so occupied from celebrating that no one felt that it last shorter than expected... That the vines was only a mere distraction for them as the blackened clouds is coming to their way to make a storm.


Far away from them a man in a cabin is researching about the vines, searching for any informations that matched the descriptions of their crows.

"Red vines... Not this one, not this too... No... No..." He look through the books about plants, he was about to gave up until he reached the last book, it was covered in dust. He dusted it, coughing along the way and eyes lit up when he read the title "Aha! Crimson Red Vines"

He got back to his rocking chair, making himself comfortable as he read the first page. It was nothing special, there's only the color, how their are sentient and can fight back but can't do a lot of damage, it was not that all bad until he reach the center page....

"Crimson red vines are from the Egg, it serves protection, a weapon to any foe and enemies. No one can control the egg unless you're a Dreamon. The egg can control anyone, it will use them as their protection to those who wants to harm it.

No one knows who and how it was created and if you see the vines, quickly eliminate it as soon as possible and destroy the source so it can never grow back again, the crucial knowledge about this vines is the sole purpose of this attacking a village or a town is for mainly a distraction"

His eyes widen as he read the book, reading more to get more information to it and tell everybody about it, if they can make it in time...

"The Crimson Egg is one of the biggest threat across a server, it can infect the whole world that you could only see red everywhere, people under it's possession is hard to return them, no sign of weakness to anything despite on how easy it is to chopped it's vines.

The Crimson Egg is an sentient being that only follow a command, it's like a robot that it follows how they are programmed or commanded. No one can control this sentient being, no human or hybrid could unless there's a Dreamon blood in you or you're a Dreamon yourself"

He closed the book as soon as he read that, he quickly run to the basement of the house, collecting supplies for the road and after getting all the materials he needs, he got out of the cabin and met the icy wind of the snowy tundra.


Two ghost from above floated down to the ground, people cheering and celebrating from their victory, nothing can break their happiness now, the vines retreated and it's done. No more now and they can have their break.

No one noticed that something was off....

It must be they are tired now, fighting that vines was hard and they have their energy depleted just by slicing them.


"Hmm... Just a little bit more and we'll sprung in action" He humm as he watch the people celebrate the false victory he planned. Oh how easy it was to fool them but no one seem to notice this. He watch and something caught his purple eyes.

"Oh, it seems like someone knows what we're planning~" He says in a sing song voice, watching the orb floating on his hands. "We might lose at this point~"

"Do you want me to assassinate him?" A demon asked the person looking at the orb. A hum can be heard but it also means no.

"I can deal with it but let him get to l'manberg first then we'll strike him down"

The Demon nod at this and go back to where he was seated before, watching as the two kept sparring and the other two bantering and really close into killing each other.


Oooohhh shits about to get serious here...

Foreshadowing is not my thing but it's good to have it here.

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