Chapter 45

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[ Word count : 1032 ]


After an incoherent mumbling to restore the ghost memories, the figure moved back from him and waited till Dream got all of his memories.

He expected a happy, shock or even sadness but all he got was confusion. The green milky eyes look at them with confusion etched on their faces as he ask them..

"Why are all of my memories are black or something like that?" It's true most of his memories are black or in a place. It's all blurry for him, he can feel himself being strapped into something and full of pain. There's a silhouette besides him with some equipments in it's hands that cause pain to him.

"Why can I feel the pain that I'm in?"

He put his hands into his face trying to cover or massage his head only to feel some dampness. Water? No. Tears, he's crying... He doesn't remember when he cried like this, even when the voices told him some bad things he didn't cry, so why? Why did he cry?

"What happened to me?"

His voice didn't held any sadness only confusion, he kept looking at the figure in front of him who only keep in silence not answering his question.

He open his mouth to ask again only to stop, he won't get any answer he needed. Silence overtaking the void, no participants to break the silence. After a minute later, the figure released a sigh and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry but I can't answer your questions, you need to figure it out on your own" the figure talk to him, their voice never waver and still carrying that gentleness in it. "It's gonna be tough I know, just trust when I say you can do this alright?" Their eyes look at him fondly, determination flare inside of them as it stare right into him. He nodded at them.

"I still don't remember you though"


Ghostbur sit back on one of the chair inside the church while waiting for Nikki to arrive. He had his own thoughts coming to him.

Looking at Dream made him think what happened when he was alive back then..

Is he good or bad?

Did he do something that made him beg for his own father to kill him?

If he did, then what is it that drove him to do that?

He groan slightly, he made some blue and holding it tightly as his thoughts overwhelmed him. He closed his eyes trying to find some bad memories in him but got nothing, the only one when he saw Dream died that day. Feeling the object in his hands begining to crumble, knock him out from his stupor and look at the blue that turned into ashes.

This confused him. There's no negativity in him when think about something, except maybe for that day but that wasn't enough to put his blue to crumble into ashes. He summon another one and watch it as he slowly think about that day and when he died. He watch it as it slowly turns into darker color then stopped.

His mind filled with more questions as his eyes locked into the blue object in his hands, while his other hand slowly petting the fluffy golden hair beside him. He was so lost in his thought that he didn't know that Nikki finally arrived. He only acknowledge her when she called him out.

"Ghostbur!" Nikki called out between her breathing. She just ran from the somewhere far to here. She didn't noticed that Ghostbur flinched when she called him out, blinking rapidly as if to break him out of his sleepiness.

"Hah! Finally arrived here, don't mind me giving myself a little break here as I sit in one of the chairs" She sat and now calming here racing heart from exhaustion. Breathing in and out as she take out a bottle from her inventory and gulp it down immediately.

Ghostbur finally gathered some of his mind and now concerned for his friend. "You okay Nikki?" He floated towards her, still concerned for his friend. "You really look exhausted, maybe we should stay here for a couple of minutes?" He suggested but she just wave her hand dismissively at him.

"No no, it's okay I'm fine if that's what you're concern for" she gave him her smile, reassuring him that she is completely fine. Her eyes travelled to where that other ghost is and found him sitting right up and looking at them wearily. "And look, Dream just woke up" She pointed towards the other ghost who yawn, still in sleepy state.

Ghostbur quickly turned around and see that Dream now floating, still in his sleepy state as he floated towards them with a little control. Once he finally got to them he latched on Ghostbur and now mumbling comfy.

Nikki hides her sly smirk when she saw this, snickering silently when she saw that Ghostbur blushed at this.

‘ Oh- a rivalry against love, Dream really need some help to pick one of them ’

Ghostbur practically look at her that say 'shut up' and she just ignored it. He didn't know what she's thinking, carrying the sleepy ghost in his hands.

"Let's go now Lovebirds, we still have something to do" She teased them, knowing that Ghostbur understands her
and Dream just being a clueless ghost he is not gonna get her.

And at the end, Ghostbur travel back to the community house with a sleeping Dream in his hands, still have this slight blush painting his pale skin while Nikki just whistling innocently or teasing him along the way.


At the duo


Now traveling through the mountains, still searching for that flower but no luck in their side. They took a break inside a cave at the sides of the mountain.

"You okay there Fundy?" A man in a striped bucket hat with a small black crow in his shoulder asked a hybrid besides him.

"Yeah I'm okay, don't worry about me Phil" Fundy assuring Phil, giving him a small smile. The older one return it with his own, now looking at the view. "Wish we'd find it sooner than later" Fundy hopefully said.


When I try to sing at home:

Me: *ehem* Sabi nila'y balang araw daratiiiieeeeEeeeeEeh!

My little sister: why do I have a weird sister?

Me: I could ask the same to you too

This literally happened to me everytime I sing or do anything, my little sister just keep bothering me cause I sound like a dying donkey 🐴.

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