Chapter 4

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Hi I'm back with the chapter 4, after a whole day and a half of finding my motivation.

Hope you enjoy.

{Word counted : 666 }


"What happen to my brother?" Nightmare's voice became scarily low as his ruby red eyes start to glow menacingly at them and the shadow created from his face didn't make it any better.

This scared the shit out of everyone present there...

"C'mon, Tell me. What. Happened. To. My Brother?" He continued.

"He's Dead!" Sapnap yelled out of fear, but that didn't make it any better now.

"He's WHAT!?" He roared"Who did it!?" He didn't even bother to hide his anger at them.

All of the people present are now shaking from the aura of an overprotective brother infront of them. Tubbo gathered his courage to say something and luckily he did.

"L-lucid, his named is Lucid, that's what he said when he introduced himself" he shakily answered the man infront of them.

This made Nightmare stop for a moment as soon as he heard the name of the killer. He looked down so the other can't see his face shifted to rage. He balled his fist and his body starts to shake, he smile a little then it get bigger and crazier. This turn into a full blown of an humorless laugh.

He looked at them, his eyes are swimming with a pool of rage and sadness. "Did he now?" He chuckled darkly, then took out his unique enchanted netherite axe"When I see his face somewhere~, I'll make sure he will not see the daylight ever again~" he said in a sing song tone.

He looked at them with a crazed smile on his face, he put his hood down and his axe on his shoulder. His masked still at the side of his face.

"How did all of you know that he did it?"
They all tensed at this, color start to drain from their face as cold sweat trickled down.

"Are you all there to witness it to happened or you all did something there to know it?" He tilt his on to the side still not breaking his eye contact at them.

The other gulped and stared at the man, they couldn't speak even if they want to, as if there's a lump forming on their throat and the got cut off when they can't breath properly.

"Not gonna speak, well then I will get my answers one day ~ but now... I must leave to find my brother. Bye~" he waved at them a goodbye them disappear in split second.

They all released a shaky breath that they hold for the whole time then collapsed at the floor from the pressure and aura emitted from the man.

'What the hell just happened!?'
'I thought I'm gonna die right here!'
'What the fuck!?'

All the of this are the collective thoughts of each person there.


"Hello Dadza" a person greet Philza as soon as they got inside the house at the snowy biome.

"Hello ghostbur, do you know what happened in the L'manberg now?" Philza asked the blue loving ghost.

"Oh, 3 days when I stayed at the L'manberg the others planned to imprison Dream, but something happened then we discovered him not 'Dream' and just an impostor and the real one is Dead, then I decide to come here to visit" he exclaimed a little enthusiastic and sad at the same time.

"What all of them planned to imprison him!?" He yelled, his wings ruffled and puffed at anger he felt. Ghostbur flinched a little at the loud noise, thankfully Philza notice this and apologize to the ghost.

"Yup and I'm really lucky that I was exploring the forest and giving friend a walk that time, then I heard them screaming, so I hid to one of the bush with friend and listen to them cause I was curious what happened there"

He start to fiddle the hem of his yellow sweater to distract himself and to try to remember that day.

Philza smiled at him, then he hugged his ghost son.

"Thank you son for being honest with me"


I'm sorry if I won't publish another part for a some time.

I have a poster to make here and the deadline is on Feb. 29 and it's about family.
I didn't even got to start sketching the drawing there.

So yeah.

And the word count didn't even help me.

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