Chapter 58

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A/N: I did announced that I will publish this one after a day. So here it is!


[ Word count : 1844 ]


They did it!

They defeated the Egg...

Now there's only one more till this fight ends.

"DAD!" Sapnap yell to his parents, running to them as he saw their eyes going back to normal. Tackling them both into a bear hug and it only got tighter when a very familiar kind voice spoke softly to his ears.


Bad's head is still hurting from the aftereffects of the control leaving him so he can't see or hear properly. Looking around to see a purple with black blur running towards him and tackling him into an hug along with someone. His eyes now seeing a little clearer looking down to see his adoptive child had tackled him and Skeppy. It broke his heart when Sapnap cries into their chest and he did what he did, hugging his son closer to him with Skeppy to offer some comfort.

"I tho- thought you two are gone- I"

"Shhhh... It's okay we're here now, we won't be leaving you okay? You have freed us from that muffin of a Egg"

The family of three, by blood or not are now finally reunite with no one to fucked them all again. Now that the Egg is gone, the two couple are now released from its hold and currently hugging their only adoptive son.


Purpled took a hesitance to step towards the older, hands shaking as he's holding his weapon tighter when the older made some moves. His breath stop for a second when a familiar color ocean blue eyes stared at his purple one's.


That voice! The very voice that comfort him through his darkest time, that gave him protection from all the nightmares he had. He couldn't help but sobbed at this, running faster to his older brother.



"Ow- what happened?" They groan in pain as his headache grows stronger just for a second. He roll up and heaved himself up to stand up, already noticing that they're not on a black place anymore! They're free.

"Hbomb? Is that you?" He heard someone ask from behind him, turning around quickly that he almost got a whiplash from how fast it was. A familiar man infront of him with a neko features.

"Ant! We got out!" Exclaiming loudly for his friend to hear and giving the cat hybrid a bear hug.




The atmosphere that they've all created is so wholesome and peaceful. Even Techno, who's a guy that doesn't show any emotions only rarely for a person to see is smiling genuinely. It's a really small unnoticeable smile but still a smile nonetheless.

Techno couldn't help but hug his two brothers and father when he saw them, it was short time before he back out. Trying to hide his smile underneath his emotionless facade, he look at them with happiness that they're healthy as they could. Philza the one that raised him who got hurt because of a Dreamon, standing there looking healthy as ever.

His cheeks were dusted with light pink color, although it was hidden beneath his long strawberry hair falling onto his face intentionally to hid them. He doesn't want them to see him like this, showing emotion cause he knows that they will tease and never put it down till he dies. Unfortunately for him, he never dies.

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