Chapter 20

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I really did a miscalculation at this one....

Also the devil's number are in my story now


{ Word count : 1037 }




Somewhere far away from the country, a little group of people are now on the move to destroy and conquer the people inside that little county.

"L'manberg? Dream Smp? Who cares! The only country that will win is the Eggpire and no one else!"

A certain demon smiled devilishly at this, eyes are white with a tint of red.
A red diamond by his side, emotionlessly standing by his side.
A hybrid cat that had been a little forgotten through this entire story standing by the Egg guarding it.
A man that only wants fun, that he became a someone's maid? Are also guarding the Egg.

They have been forgotten there, now it's time for them to shine. By the power of the Crimson Egg they achieve their war victoriously.

"It's time to show those people who's there dealing with by starting to gain land little by little and even if they stop it then we'll take it by force"


Four people are now smiling at the start of their plan for chaos, they all want this to happen but without the admin who starts chaos everywhere.... They have to make one even if it means killing one of their friends.

"With or without Dream.... wether he's in control or not.... The chaos will always be there and so is the Eggpire"


Yeah I need drama here and I need the Eggpire to let themselves be known for the sake of the story and invisible plot okay


The two ghost are now approaching the group of people but Dream saw someone familiar and stops on his tracks.

"A fox?" He mumble as he saw a man with orange tail and ears of a fox and a snout. Overall had a feature of the fox.

"Wait a minute-"

"Are you okay Dream?" Ghostbur ask the other ghost as he saw him stops on his tracks and just spoke out of nowhere.

"Yeah I'm okay, don't worry about me!" Dream reassure his ghost friend, but his mind are still onto something... But what is it?

He approach the man and stared at him with a certain flash and curiosity. The hybrid starts to shake slightly and eyes glimmer as the tears are at the side of his eyes ready to fall out any second. But a certain question made him a little irritated.

"Are you a Furry?"

Yep irritated. But he feels a little nostalgia at that single question.

A silence follow the place for a second then a burst of laughing and wheezing made their ways to the ears of the people of L'manberg.

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