Chapter 27

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{ Word count : 933 }


"Why is the Operation Fork sound familiar to me?" Dream muttered as he watch the others fight all the vines while he and Ghostbur are just flying upwards with Friend by his side.

"Maybe they have done something similar on you to, when you're still alive" Ghostbur suggest as he clearly heard what the other ghost muttered.

"That makes a lot of sense" Dream nod as he put one of his hands in his chin and I curled on the other, making him look like his thinking. Bandages from both arms are completely worn off but still usable, so he just wrapped them a lot tighter and still comfortable to use.

"Dream?" Ghostbur saw all of his bandages and now staring at them with curiosity and something else.

The other hummed sign that he's listening, the fight from below is really entertaining when the five feral children fight like they are on drugs while others just completely bored like Technoblade and questioning why the kids are like this.

"What's behind that bandages?"

"I dunno, when I woke up they've been there wrapped securely around my arms and I never bothered to take them off, just readjusting them once in a while" He explains still not breaking his eyes from the fight.

Ghostbur seems a little satisfied from that answer but still not satisfied enough to make his curiosity to look what's underneath that securely tied bandages. He  stared at it for a couple of seconds then looking at the fight.

As they fought the red vines, the sun was about to set pretty quickly and the mobs are now spawning everywhere but the country and the building.

"It's not backing down! The vines are too strong!" Someone from afar shouted when they realized that the vines won't be that easy to get rid off and it's getting a lot faster than before.

"Just mower it and then cook it!" Someone suggested but it only got ignored.

"Commit arson, you all just scared" Sapnap starts to take his inner arsonist out as he burned all of the vines.

"Who you calling scared!? I'm only using fork here while you used sword not a long time ago!" The gremlin shouted back at the currently arsonist, annoyed as he start to stab all the vines aggressively with Drista and Purple behind. Ranboo just keep teleporting here and there while mowing all of it. Tubbo are still ordering some bees to poke all of the vines.


"Shut up child! Who had give you all the drugs!?" Punz ask the feral children.

"We may or may not stolen some from the van and maybe some from Quackity" Tubbo giddily said to the others.

"What the heck! I am not a child! Don't call me that, I am certainly more mature that all of you!"

"U-huh keept dreaming Child"

"Why you-"

The day had turned into a night time and the they are still not finished. You can just hear the bickering and banter that's been thrown back and forth. It's going pretty good.

The two ghost are now sitting at the top of the new L'manberg flag, cuddling and sleeping comfortable with Friend being the pillow for the two.


"Now that is cute"

XD just focused on the two and just straight up ignoring the others fighting something sentient. They just can't help but coo at the sight. Their child being the little spoon for the other, sleeping through all of this chaos peacefully. The other just kept their hold close and secured, protectiveness oozing from him.

"I hope that the vines will make the others occupied for long so that no one can disturb this cute scene"


"They're so weak! It's only a vine, how can it defeat them like that!?" A white and black demon exclaimed as they watch the fight.

"Fr though, I really was hoping that this would be easy for them but I guess not" A feline agreed, he's just watching the in boredom, ears and tails twitching for something to happened.

"Whatever, I still fun to see them look so worthless, the Egg is really powerful isn't it?" Hbomb just admired the Egg, staring at it with awe and respect. Red eyes not missing the glint in mischief.

"Yeah, just how can someone not be mesmerized by it's beauty" A red diamond rambled just sitting across the Egg, looking at the surrounding with it's emotionless eyes but still in respect.

The Eggpire,are now just waiting for the next flag to happen but unfortunately for them, it's not happening soon.


"Tch this is boring, can they someone just make this a little more interesting"

He's really annoyed by now, his toy just passed out from the pain not long ago. He can't do shit other than watching them fought a vine that moving like a sheep right now.

"It's been hours and that vine is still not fast enough! Flag one is only starting and it's a success but it's so boring"

He wants to have some fun too by he cant think a single thing to do. Playing with the string here and there, making the bodies fight each other.

"That group of feral children is a good entertainment but it's still not enough"

They pondered for a second, staying still not doing anything and making his brain to think something fun to do. He got this devilish smile as something came up.

"How about......

More puppets to control? One of them make a good marionettes like the other five I got and they're also not that important right?"


Sorry for this boring chapter it's just that I'm brain dead for this chapter. My motivation just left me and I can't think for a good plot here.

And I will published another book so you guys have something to read while waiting for the updates.

It's my first mcyt oneshot book. I still haven't got a cover for it but in days I will make one.

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