Chapter 36

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[ Word count : 860 ]


Dream is not doing so good right now, his head is aching and ears are ringing with voices that he thought would go away. They are making his head hurt..


Go to the church

A promise

A plan

Don't forget


The voices keep repeating all of this and it's driving him a little insane. His vision turning a little red then go to normal and the voices will go back only ten times stronger that before.

Luckily for him Ghostbur saw him and quickly got to his side.

"Hey Dream you okay?"

He wanted to speak back but the voices is overwhelming. He can't think straight - is he even straight in the first place - as they got louder and louder.


He griped his hair tightly as he collapsed on the floor and he's in a fetal position. Covering his ears trying to get the voices out but it didn't work desperate to get them out that he started to claw himself out.

A pair of arms hugged him and stop him from clawing his wrist, he let out a whine of pain, trying to bring his arm to feel the pain again.

"Hey it's okay-"

Another muffled voiced said, he tries to open his eyes, squinting through the pain and see a familiar yellow sweater.

"Gh-Ghostbur?" He weakly called out.

"Yes it's me Dream" A relief flooding to his veins.

He stop going for his wrist now and slightly gripping on the soft yellow sweater of Ghostbur. He let out a yell as the pain got back, tears streaming softly soaking the sweater but Ghostbur didn't care, he wants the other to be okay.

A hand raked his hair gently and drawing small circles on his back, helping him to calm down and it works. His headache stops and the annoying ringing of the voices was gone.

"Shhh it's okay Dream... shh" Ghostbur said in a hushed tone, not taking his hands off the soft lock of Dream's hair. Rocking the other back and forth adding to calm the other.

The other ghost fell asleep on him and he carefully carried him in a bridal style and floats to the community house to let the ghost sleep.

But they didn't know that someone was watching this wishing that they're the one at Ghostbur's position. Jealousy and regret was all they felt until the duo disappears from his sight.


Nightmare's mind :

Why do feel like stealing kneecaps today?


A weak God was smiling at this, watching the scenarios from the two ghost to the person behind.

"I know i shouldn't be doing this but the Drama is so good!" They giggle as one thought came to his mind. "Dream my child you have so many simps that you didn't even notice them"

'Choose wisely my child'


'Goodbye for now till we meet again' A swirl of magic surrounding the Eggpire and a flash of light they are gone.

"What the- The fuck did they go!?" A raccoon hybrid screams as he notice the seven figure wasn't there anymore.

"Shut the hell up Tommy! and what do you mean- Where are they!?"

A wave of panic got through them and they all scream and blaming one another at this.

This all happened until the newcomers voice shut them up.

"The heck you all running like a chicken here!? After that little teleportation you all blamed each other?" He ask in disbelief, face turning into a scowl as he look at them.

"Oh shut the fuck up! We don't even know who you are?" Quackity yelled at the figure, still frustrated and blinded with rage that he can't tell that the voice is familiar with someone he knows.

"I will not hesitate to paint this whole area with your own blood if you all still can't shut that mouth of yours" A single threat shut them all quickly, at the other circumstances they would brush the threat as if it was nothing cause they know it would be an empty threat but if The Blood God threatened you?.... You should know thag running is the option to survive the consequences.

"Hahahahahahahahaha that's it? The one and only Blade can shut all of you up?" The voice laugher echoed through the unknown place, bouncing at each corner taunting them. "That was fucking hilarious, I could've died again from laughing that hard"

That got the attention of them all.

"You're dead!?"

"Of course I'm dead, didn't you all noticed my echoing voice or maybe the fact that you can't see me even I'm just floating above you all?" Another set of laugher echoed through the room as they all let the information sink in, slowly looking upwards and see someone that shouldn't be here. "You all are fucking dumbasses, I've been here since you fuckers got teleported here"

"The fuck?"

"Surely not"

"You asshole!"

"But how are you here though!? Ghostbur can visit and said that you're still on the Overworld!" Quackity burst out, staring at the floating figure in disbelief. Eyes glossing up with tears as the familiar man just smiling at them.

"Nice you see you too Flatty Patty"


A/N : Sorry for the short chapters, I'm currently having Author's block so yeah

And A certain Ram hybrid Glatt had joined the story!

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