Chapter 47

376 11 54

Cautious : Mild gore and torture up ahead



[ Word count: 1339 ]


As Sam, Techno and Karl was dragged out of the room. Skeppy, Hbomb and Punz was left to guard the other.

The adults formed a protective circle around the teens, the group look at the three man with much hate as they scowl and let out a warning growl when one of the man step forward.

"Woah, didn't know we would have some wolves here?" He playfully said as he stepped back laughing. Smirking widely as they growl at them. "And we currently need some muzzles for these animals here"

"Stop it Punz, even though as it amusing it is to watch we need them for something else" A cold voice from a certain Blood Red Diamond man inform the man, his emotion never seep out of his voice, Punz give a pout but reluctantly obeyed as he go back to his position.

"Your no fun Skep"

Skeppy just gave him a deadpan look.

"You think I give a fuck about it?" Skeppy harshly said to Punz who just rolled his eyes at the diamond man before leaning onto one of the walls.

That gave the group a shiver but cover it up with a scowl. Hbomb noticed this and let out a chuckle. "Would you look at that, trying to hide your fear with that pitiful scowl on your faces huh?" He tease them watching them turned and glare at him and it just made him giddily inside. "Did I hit a nerve or something? Hmmmmm?" He was about to tease them further but Skeppy spoke.

"Master already gave us order not to provoke them Hbomb"

"Party pooper Alert! Party pooper Alert!" He sarcastically announce and Punz giggled at this. "Shut it." Skeppy monotonously said to them while closing his eyes not wanting to look at the two goofing around.


The three people who were dragged had been strapped or chained up in a separate but close rooms. Three rooms side by side, not soundproof so anyone can hear what is going on, no door just a big box and no nothing inside other than them chained up or strapped.

The first room is where the creeper hybrid was strapped in a steel bed with netherite chains and restraints around him and a muzzle to his mouth to prevent to say anything but can still make some noise. Being tied up in a deserted room for about an hour now he was getting anxious and both of his human and creeper side didn't want this at all.

After laying for about five more minutes while looking up to the torn up celling a person walked in with a crate that was covered with black clothes. He gave an unimpressed look at Ponk while inside he felt his heart broke when his beloved had done this.

"Hope you're not bored Sammy" Sam nearly tensed up when he heard the nickname that Dream and Ponk gave him but he pushed it down and look in the other way. "Don't be like that Sammy, sorry if I keep you waiting though. I got distracted by the toys that I want to test it out with you for more days to come" Ponk says in a fake sweet sickening voice as he took off his mask and smile devilishly at the strapped man.

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