Chapter 56

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A/N: I found this one when I'm googling for some cursed images and damn- does it live up for it's name. ( Credits to the owner )



[ Word count : 1110 ]


The four of them just stare at Wilbur in amusement, the four teens just wouldn't let the poor man go.

"Hello to you too Soot" Nikki chuckle softly, giggling at the sight. Wilbur shot her an unimpressed glare. "Help me will you, I've been here for about an hour or more and my body can't handle the strain no more" He whine, it's true his body is aching but he didn't have a heart to tell the sleeping teens - except for Tommy - to move from him.

"Nah, I wanna see you suffer" Puffy smile brightly at him. She just can't help it, you know with this overprotective urges rolling over their body, washing each veins of emotions triggering it like a domino and it only shows how sadistic she truly is. She swears that she can hear someone sleepily chuckle and she know who this is, Tommy.

Wilbur didn't respond, his body is already doing that from all the vibrating because of the fear or how his face paled a little.

"Sapnap, wanna ditch this hole and cook an Egg?" Dream giddily ask the fireborn, his hands twitching in anticipation as it would not stay at his sides. He whipped his head around and smile when he find a pink haired warrior. "Bacon stripes, we are cooking some egg you wanna come?"

They all choked a laugh at the nickname, the one who's not unconscious that is.

Techno seems to be brought out of his stupor and immediately glare at the green man. "Don't call me that smiley and you think I wouldn't fry that giant Egg?" He playfully snarl at Dream who just smile even brighter in return. He swear that if there's no lantern or torches lighting this room up, he would've thought that the light were coming from Dream from how much he glow because of that fucking smile.

"Sure sure Bacon stripes" Dream's wheezing now. Thankfully not rolling around the floor.

For some reason, he can't see what's the color of that teletubby's eyes and he will make sure that he will see it one way or another. He stand straight from how he leans against the wall, walking slowly to the group and hug his faster. Well more of a gentle pat from the back hug but you got the point.

"Glad you're back on your feet Phil"

"This old geezer won't die sooner or later Techno and after all, I want to see my grandchildren first" Philza stated cheerfully. He can hear some chocking from them others but he didn't care and just ignore them.

"PHIL!! WHAT THE HECK!? I'M A MINOR!" Tommy spouting his protest from that. There's no way that he will attend to some mushy wedding stuff or see someone smooching and being PDA in public.

They all are laughing at Tommy's demise, it's really funny to see that gremlin being bothered.

"What? I'm just saying"

"Okay, hate to break it to you all but we still have something to take care of" Eret said from the back of the room, they're rope had been loosen up for some time that it gave them a way to escape the rope.

"Hmm.. They're right" Dream pipe out. His golden blonde hair are falling to his face, covering his green electric eyes to the world as he tries to calculate a plan. "I have an idea, all of you who are still able to fight come here and the one's who knows how to heal people should be left behind. Sounds good?" He watch as they all nod. The one's who already escaped, helped the one who didn't.

The four of them gave the owner's their perspective armours and tools, with a little bit of potions just in case. Once they all got everything sorted out, nodding to one another as they marched towards the exit of this hell of a house.

"Wait they left us!" Tommy shouts in rage and a little bit of sadness. He's not a child! So why do they need to protect him, he shown them what he's capable of. So why can't they let him help them.


"No! I am not a fucking child!! Damnit! I can help them!" Standing up from the floor, walking towards the door with nothing but his bare hands and mind as a weapon. "I can fight with them!" He was about to reach the doorknob when a tight hug from behind stop him.

"Tommy... Stop please" Puffy's soft voice reach his ears but it didn't give a two shits when he struggles his way out.

"What the-! Let go!"


"Why! We have shown that we can fought and defend ourselves!! So why can't you let us help!" He shout at them, trying to get his message through their thick skulls. He can fight! Why can't they see that! Fuck this world!.

"Tommy, we know but this isn't your battle- all of the four of you, this isn't- please we can't lose all of you" Nikki plead the 17 years old teen. "This isn't the SMP Tommy, we don't have any anchor or beds to respawn on- We can die permanently even if you have three or two lives left"

The trio, just watch in the sidelines. They don't know what to say to ease this conversation and where to pick sides. All of them wants to fight up there but they are tired. Tired of constant fighting and everything. They just want to live their lives to the fullest where fight only ends up into a small bruise rather than lives are on stakes.

"Tommy... Just listen to them this time" Tubbo call out to his bestfriend. His blue eyes were tired and just wants to end this.

Tommy just started wide eyes to his bestfriend. He can't believe it, that they've just accepted this easily. "Tubbo..."

"Please, just this once... We know that you're tired already. We can help them when they all got their ass kicked" Purpled gave a small smile. He let out a chuckle at his own joke, making the tension got softer than before.

"Fine- but if they fucking lose! Oh I'm gonna rub to their shitty faces"

"That's the spirit"

It was supposed to be a wholesome moment but when a little purple and red color peaked out of their shirt...

"Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled... What's that?" Nikki ask the minors, still looking at that blooming red color spot on Purpled arms.

They all look at her in confusion before tracing where she's looking at. All of the four teen's eyes widen.

"Uh oh-"

The dam of maternal instincts is gonna burst open.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. This is supposed to be with the chap. 55 but with my forgetful brain, it ended to this.

Spoiler :

•- •-•• --- -    --- ••-•    -•-• •-• -•-- •• -• --•

:) 🌚🌝🌚

Crack that code.

Also for those who answered - Glatt - at my questions what's the hint...

The answer is correct!🎉🎉

But I ain't gonna talk more. My lips 💋 are tight shut 🤐.

( 11 26 2021 ; Edit : I just noticed that my Morse code is bad, the word that I want to form was spelled wrong but I fixed it )

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