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The week honestly flew by quicker than I thought. While we did spend a great amount of time lazing around the city and some surrounding mountains, we did try to track down any information we could on Cryptic. Unfortunately, even Ging came up empty-handed on the guy. It's like he doesn't even exist. 

It's been tough seeing that nothing in any records brings up anything about a kidnapper in the racing scene. At first, I just assumed it was because no one talked about the racing scene but after they called ambulances I'm beginning to think that something isn't right about any of this.

We did pop in to check on E, Lu, and the kids, but apparently, the 3 misfits have been staying at Silva's house. I can imagine those two have had a ball being home all alone. Judging by the various hickeys on her neck not to mention the scratches and hickeys on Lulu. I'd say she's been doing just fine... I also think the house needs a holy cleansing when I get home. 

We're supposed to meet Kuroo and his friends today to head to the beach. If only I could find the bikini I bought earlier this week. Finally finding it under a pile of Hisoka's clothes, I throw on the 2 piece white bikini set and throw on one of Hisoka's shirts over my body with a pair of shorts. 

"Finally ready?" Hisoka pops up behind me causing me to jump.

"I would have been ready sooner if someone helped me look for my clothes," I scold him jokingly.

"Why would I do that? I like it when you're not wearing anything," He smirks nuzzling his head into my neck. He threw on his usual bright pink shorts and a sheer white t-shirt over his torso, a bag with all our stuff slung over his shoulder. Oh, how it is tempting to jump his bones but alas, self-control.

"Alright, enough of this, let's go," I chuckle pulling on his t-shirt dragging him into a portal. The soft warm sand sinks me into it. In the near distance, the deep blue ocean glimmers under the spring sun, its glistening waves crashing onto the shore, the seagulls filling the air with their usual tunes. 

"How do you have a portal and still arrive late?" Kuroo chuckles from behind me.

"You see, I'm usually punctual, HOWEVER, the walking bubblegum princess beside me needs time to get dressed and put on makeup an-" He cuts me off by throwing me over his shoulder. 

"I have to warn you love, if you choose to continue that sentence you're going straight into the water," he threatens me with his usual closed-eye grin. 

"I still don't see how you two are a couple," Kenma adds coming to stand beside Kuroo, his head down in his game as usual. 

"Neither do I," both of us shrug looking at Kenma, me upside-down from Hisoka's side. He finally puts me down to stand on my feet, all the blood that was caught in my head making its way back to where it's supposed to be. 

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask steadying my balance. 

"We were just about to play a game of volleyball, you know how?" Slightly but not much. 

"Kinda I guess. Dodgeball however I'm completely experienced in," I chuckle recalling our adventures on Greed Island. 

We walk for a bit along the shore to a secluded section of the beach where there's a corner with all their bags, coolers, 2 big umbrellas, and a few blankets, a drawn-out court where the rest of the gang are playing around. Spotting us in the distance, they wave us over with bright cheery smiles on their faces. 

"You two wanna join?" Kuroo asks looking back at us.

"As much as I would like to say yes, let's not put anyone at risk of losing a limb playing against 2 assassins," I chuckle scratching behind my head. Following Kenma, we sit next to him on a large blanket watching the boys play also admiring the view of the ocean as small boats occasionally pass by. 

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now