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"I swear Amorou, if you get off this bed and leave me alone again I'm kicking your ass," I grumble grabbing his arm before he can get off the bed, my eyes still partially closed. Yet again, I roll over for cuddles and he's about to leave me again. 

He chuckles lowly, his weight shifting back onto the bed, the familiar feel of his fingertip grazing across my cheeks, his lips leaving a warm kiss on my forehead. 

"I'm only going to pee love, I'll come right back, promise," He coos softly, his thumb still grazing my cheek. "Slept well?" He coos softly. 

"Mhmm," I groan snuggling more into his arm. "We should go out on dates more often," I mumble slowly succumbing to sleep.

"Yes. We definitely should," He hums. I can feel myself falling deeper and deeper into sleep. "Babe, I really need to go pee" He chuckles softly waking me up. 

"No. I want cuddles," I pout. He ditched me twice yesterday, I'm allowed to be like this.

"Please? I promise I'll be right back, and then we can stay in bed another hour or so" He bribes

"Fine," I huff letting go of his arm. He places another kiss on my forehead before getting up. Not long passes before I feel him come back onto the bed. Grabbing his arm, I pull him in snuggling into his side throwing my arm around his soft fabric covered torso. 

Wait a second. Hisoka sleeps without a shirt. My eyes fly open as I sit up frantically. 

"Illumi!?!" In Hisoka's spot, he's is lying there, his arm still on the pillow behind my head. "Don't just sneak in like that!" I scold him

"You two look like you had an eventful night" He comments poking at my hickeys ignoring my last statement regardless. 

"Don't poke at it dumbass," I scold swatting his hand away. Lying back on him, he sighs but leaves me be. "Has E gotten the blood test results back?" I ask changing the subject.

"Aunt Lynn said she'd have it delivered to the house, so I thought it would be wise to send her and the mini yous back home so that we can finish this mission without having the possibility of someone using them as leverage," 

"My my, has hell frozen over? Illumi? CORRECTLY displaying affection and care towards people he's close to? Have I died?" I jest playfully.

"Not yet, but you might die if you continue," He answers in his usual emotionless tone. 

"Come on brother, you know you love me," I chirp.

"Unfortunately so," He huffs. 

"I know I left you alone but was it necessary to replace me with Illumi?" Hisoka pouts standing at the doorframe of the bathroom in nothing but his boxers hanging low on his hips. At least he's wearing something.  

"Good, you're here. Get dressed, we're going to research some leads," He states flatly

"Guess I better go change too," I attempt to get up but Illumi pulls me back down. 

"You're staying here for now," Silence befalls all of us, everyone frozen in their respective spots. 

"That's not fair. Why can't I go?" I protest sitting upright.

"You're not in a stable state of mind," He states simply as he gets off the bed, Hisoka digging through his bag for clothes.

"Bold of you to assume any part of me is ever stable to begin with," I argue back getting off the bed myself. 

"You're. Staying. Put. End of discussion," 

"Why are you doing this all of a-" Stopping momentarily, Hisoka and Illumi share a glance only proving my suspicion to be true. "Bokuto told you didn't he," My voice squeaks out meekly. 

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now