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"Could one of you take her to our room please?" Hisoka asks. I want to protest and say no, but they'll all gang up on me. That aside I'm not mentally or physically able to fight back right now. I feel drained. Bokuto walks over to us and turns around letting me hop on his back. He carries me to my room in silence. 

"Sorry you have to see me like this," I mutter resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Don't be, we're friends aren't we? Friends look out for each other. Hell, you're like family to us now. And family takes care of each other. So you bet your ass we're gonna help you through this," It takes me a moment to process what he says. 

"I don't even know what this is," I answer.

"We'll figure it out. Then you'll be back to normal and we can race together again," He beams. 

"Fine, but this time you're driving," I joke. 

"Let me drive your car and it's a deal," He jokes back. He puts me on the bed then proceeds to take out 2 water bottles from the mini-fridge under the tv placing them on the nightstand next to me. Muttering a thank you to him, he nods and leaves the room closing the door behind him. 

About half an hour goes by and my eyes start to become heavy, sleep closing in on me. Just as they're about to shut, Hisoka walks into the room looking distraught. His face softens seeing me jump. 

"Sorry love," He murmurs walking over to me. He sits next to me helping me take off my clothes before slipping his t-shirt that he was wearing over my head. I almost forgot I was wearing a bra and cargo pants. "I called Illumi, he says you're not allowed to use your abilities unless absolutely necessary, and he's already on a plane on his way here," 

I attempt to say something but he cuts me off instantly. 

"While normally I'd cave to your request and let you have your way, darling, I'm not going to be that lenient with you this time," His cold eyes tell me I really shouldn't press buttons this time. He walks into the bathroom with my clothes before coming back to the bed and lying down beside me. He pulls me in keeping one of his arms secured around me protectively. 

Cold, sweaty, and restless. That's all I've felt since I stepped into my subconsciousness. I know I like bondage but come on man. Being chained down in my own mind by metal cuffs and a choker with the chain keeping my hands above my head. AT LEAST MAKE THEM COMFORTABLE. I'm not even going to acknowledge the deep growling in the distance because I already know who the fuck it is.

"Come on now, you're not one to give up a fight this easily. What's the matter with you?" Its voice echoes through the black space around me. 

"Maybe I'm done fighting," I mumble out barely able to speak past a whisper. 

"Please, after everything, you're ready to give up now? Then you're definitely not the same person who I know," It answers. 

"You're right. I'm not that queen you're referring to," I mutter giving into the restraints. 

"How stupid of you to not realize you were not just a queen submitting to a king. You were the empress who had entire nations scared to breathe in the direction of your kingdom. Your own so-called king feard you to the point he had to use forbidden magic to make you submit to him. Yet here you are, a pathetic excuse of a reincarnation that's already given up," I can't tell if he's insulting me or trying to encourage me. Maybe both?

"Wait, he used forbidden magic to make me submit to him?" Now things start to click. 

"And even that couldn't hold you for long," The voice growls. 

"Am I having a civil conversation with the demon inside me?" I mutter more to myself. The wolf laughs, its voice booming through the entire place, the bass of its voice shaking everything. 

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now