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While Hisoka changed, I showered then went back to the kitchen to get him some pizza before it was all gone being sure to grab a few slices for Illu and myself as well. Settling for his usual sweatpants and a loose black muscle tank top with exposed sides that looks familiar, just not sure from where. He lies on the couch with his hand over his eyes, the other over his stomach. 

Silently putting the 2 plates on the coffee table, I sit on his torso lifting his hand up so that I can lie on top of him snuggling my face into his neck. His arm previously on his torso now under my shirt, his thumb grazing up and down my back. 

"Did I wake you?"  I hum placing a kiss on his neck. 

"Hmm? Not really no," He stirs. "Do I smell pizza?" He lifts his hand off his eyes to look around. He gets up and grabs the plate as he slides onto the floor to eat. Reaching forward, I grab his drink to steal a sip. 

Illumi comes in not too long after joining us on the floor. I slide him his plate and drink to which he eyes suspiciously. 

"It's not poisoned if that's what you were thinking," I joke. 

"You wouldn't be that stupid. There's nearly not a single poison that can kill me even if you tried," He snarks. 

"I'd be willing to test the limits of that," I smirk evilly trying to restrain myself from strangling him. 

"Onto other matters. Why is Hisoka wearing your t-shirt?" He asks turning his head to the clown. I knew it looked familiar. 

"With her stealing all of mines so often, I'm running low on clean clothes to wear myself. And besides, her oversized shirts fit perfectly. They're much more comfortable as well," The jerk smiles innocently.

"She keeps a hidden set of even larger ones in a box in the back of her bottom drawer closest to the back wall. They're the most comfortable ones," He adds casually. 

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!" I screech. I hide them for a reason!

"I steal one every now and then without your knowledge. I'm astonished you haven't noticed them in the hamper when you clearly didn't wear it," He adds taking a sip of his sparkling drink. 

"I played it off thinking I had just worn it and forgot," Motherfuckers. Guess it's time to change that hiding spot. "That aside, what happened out there today?" 

With a silent glance between them. Illumi disappears for a moment before reappearing exactly where he was sitting previously, this time with a blue file in hand. 

"Three things. Firstly, you'll be more than happy to know that Cryptic is in fact a suspect in the kidnappings," Well that's the best news I've heard all year. "Secondly, those car sabotages were planned. Which means someone tampered with your car as well as the other racers' cars," 

"Whoever did it, knows ins and out of cars like the back of their hand. It took Matheo about 3 hours to find the issue," I pout recalling the dreadful hours we spent looking for the issue.

"Lastly, seems our informant who aided us in getting the information on Cryptic has died. He slides a picture of the corpse laid face down in the back of an alleyway, approximately 17 stab wounds in his back painting his white t-shirt in red. 

"Dante," I breathe lowly recalling the brief moment I met the guy for. 

"You know him?" Lumi asks. 

"Not really. He's a racer who approached me after a race once and that was it," I answer, my eyes glued to the stab wounds on his back.

"Then there is a link after all," He mumbles to himself. 

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now