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"Rise and shine!" The screeching of Bokuto's voice wakes me up out of dreamless sleep. I'll question why the muscle shirt and sweats later, right now I just need sleep. 

"Why are you people up so early?!" I groan rolling over and hiding my head under the pillow. 

"It's 1 pm," He argues.

"Too early in my book," I yell from under the pillow. An arm snakes its way around my waist pulling me to the other side of the bed. Hisoka just flat out pulled me to the other side of the bed to lie in front of him as he snuggles his head into my neck still deep in sleep. "I have to warn you, if you attempt to wake him up, you may not have a life afterward," I chuckle reaching behind to play with bits of his hair. 

"Baby, c'mon, we gotta get up, everyone's here," He hums in response but overall stays asleep. 

"We brought food," Bokuto bribes. That's enough motivation for him to get out of bed. 

"We'll be down in a bit," I giggle watching as Hisoka walks to the shower. Bokuto leaves and I get up to follow Hisoka. After a lovely shower, I throw on my usual training gear. Some leggings, a cropped sleeveless hoodie, and some sneakers with my fingerless gloves tieing my hair up into a messy ponytail. 

"Where're the kids?" I ask looking around for them. It's too quiet for my liking so it's either they're up to trouble or still asleep. 

"Aunt E and uncle Illu took them out to sightsee," Athena's voice comes up behind me. Seems she's also dressed to train, a tank top and leggings with some sneakers. 

"And why didn't you go?" I smirk putting my hands on my hips watching her as she walks past me to Kuroo who's at the island. 

"I promised her I would take her out later to explore," He adds. 

"Uhuh," I smirk watching them with a wide grin on my face. They're adorable, and I know she's in good hands. If not she'll deal with him as she sees fit. After all, she is my daughter. "All I have to say to you two is that I'm way too young to be a grandmother," 

"Mom!" Athena groans putting her head against the surface of the island. 

"All I'm saying is to be smart about things," I shrug defensively. Everyone around us snickers watching both Kuroo and Athena turn deep red. 

"You shouldn't be one to talk dear, wasn't our first time without any barrier?" Hisoka chimes in from behind me. 

"I don't think you've ever used one with me," I shrug tilting my head back to meet the gaze of the clown. The fucker decided to match the rest of idiots in the room, the thin fabric of his white muscle shirt clinging to parts of his torso, the black sweatpants snuggly fitting him. Woof.

"That's quite irresponsible of you Hisoka," Kurro adds trying to stifle his laughter. 

"Seems it is, though I don't see the need to fret when she has birth control now," He adds tilting his head to the side.

"CAN WE CHANGE THE SUBJECT PLEASE?!" Athena shrieks burying her head in her hands, the rest of us breaking out in laughter. 

"Tell me one of you brought a smoothie or else I'm not gonna be pleasant today," Just as I open the fridge, Tendou comes into the kitchen with 2 smoothies in hand. "Tendou darling have I mentioned you're my favorite?" I chirp taking the large cup of purple liquid from him. 

"Does that mean I can get the first match with you?" he chirps

"Sure," Leaving them to their breakfast, I head to the backyard to stretch and warm up, Hisoka right behind me. 

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now