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Luckily I was able to stop in time without colliding with the tree. My body relaxes sensing no immediate threat. The things these little troublemakers do to me. I could have hurt her or something. Assessing my surroundings, I realize we're at the edge of the mountain, far from where anyone who lives here goes.

"I'm okay," she assures me. She runs towards me wrapping her arms around my side. Relief washes over me as my heart begins to steady. 

"You had me worried there. I thought you promised not to leave the spot I left you in?" I ask somewhat sternly. Her smile falters momentarily before returning

"I'm sorry, I felt something calling to me so I followed it," She justifies. I kneel to her height ruffling her hair. She definitely possesses her mother's occasional lack of self-awareness. It's quite a handful dealing with her as well as her carbon copies. It's undoubtedly working me overtime, to say the least. 

"What if something had happened to you, your mother would have been beyond distraught," I reason with her. Truthfully, so would I.

"I was safe. I was playing with Grandma and Grandpa. They called me over," she points over to the two tombstones sitting across from us, one of them adorned with an almost empty glass of whiskey with the bottle next to it, the other with a bouquet of fresh pink lilies. Wait, Grandma and Grandpa?

"I've been dead for almost a year and you haven't come to visit me once. Are you trying to get haunted?" The familiar deep voice of (Y/N)'s father spooks me from behind. His translucent light blue full-body apparition stands behind me with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Mr. Kazumi?!"The shock of seeing him doesn't seem to fade as the seconds pass by. The surrealness of it baffles me. It doesn't make sense. 

"I thought we were past the formalities, I told you either call me Leon or hell, you could even call me Dad at this point," He scolds me lightheartedly. 

"I never thought I'd be the one getting a scolding from you," I attempt to laugh off the awkwardness of this situation. 

"So this is the lovely Hisoka I've heard so much about," A charming woman's voice comes from behind Leon. She appears beside him dressed in a kimono with sakura flowers, a warm comforting smile on her face. She's the spitting image of my little dragon, but a bit older, just slightly. Her pictures don't do her soft beauty justice. 

"And you must be the lovely Mrs. Kazumi. I've heard a great deal about you as well," Taking her hand in mine, I bow to her as a sign of respect. Although ghostly and translucent, her touch is warm and comforting like I imagine a mother's to be. 

"Oh? All good things I hope, and please, Daya or Mom is fine" She giggles, her voice soft and gentle. 

"Of course, your husband and daughter had nothing but high praises for you," 

"Oh really? Well, I could say the same about you. However, my dear husband would say otherwise in one or two incidents where he had more than a few strong words for you," She laughs, Leon looking away. I assume those would be the rare times we fought, or when I left her. Not my proudest moments, I'll admit. Daya looks toward Reya, her hand reaching out to her cheek as she kneels to her height.

"This child, she reminds me greatly of (Y/N) when she was younger, though, she seems to have a unique connection to the other side" Daya comments.

"My abilities focus on healing, sometimes I can bring back animals from the brink of death and even speak to the dead if I tried," Reya beams enthusiastically. Well, this is a shock to me. "I haven't tried bringing back people from the brink of death yet,  but I think I can," she continues.

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now