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"(Y/n), be careful. Something doesn't feel right about this," Kuroo warns through the walkie-talkie. 

"I get what you mean. I'll be fine. Bokuto's safe with me so you can stop worrying. I'm an assassin. I'm built for this," He just chuckles through the device. 

"Alright well- hey" The sound of wind rustles through the device making for a terrible sound. My guess is someone took the walkie-talkie from him. 

"Be sure to win alright love? Or else those gears are gonna need adjusting tomorrow," Good grief, there are people present. 

"You're hopeless," I scoff playfully rolling my eyes. 

"And you love me. Good luck," Sigh. I do love that asshole. 

"What exactly does he mean by-" Bokuto asks furrowing his brows together

"Trust me. You don't wanna know," Cryptic rolls up beside me in a Ferarri A12. Dude. Extravagant much? "Smells like you had your fun before the race," It's quite evident that he did it in the car. Man am I glad Kenma got me out of it. 

"It's a good luck charm," He smirks. 

"Sure you aren't too tired to race?" I return the smirk. 

"Let's find out shall we?" He turns to the front where the girl who starts the races stands explaining the rules to us. 

"You secured in that seat there?" I chuckle adjusting my own seatbelt. He nods with a bright smile. "Alright, just hold on tight," 

The second the flag drops, all racers pull off one after the other each tailing close behind the other. Though I'm holding onto the wheel as tight as I can, I can feel the sweat from my hands making it slippery to grasp onto. 

Other racers throughout the night have experienced car failures with no apparent cause. Safe to say it's enough to make even me nervous. This car wasn't cheap and I don't plan on having to pay half my yearly income to fix it. 

With a shaky but deep breath, I shift into gear and floor it skillfully maneuvering through the other 6 racers making my way up to Cryptic. The sound of an engine blowing echoing through the air gains my attention. Looking through my side mirror, all I can see is the growing cloud of deep grey smoke growing larger as its source grows smaller. 


Flipping the switch to my NOS, I use half of the first tank which puts me in front of Cryptic. As the last turn comes into view, I move my hand to the emergency brake waiting for the perfect moment to pull it. The moment I pull it, it does nothing. Panic takes over momentarily before instincts set in. 

Slamming on the brakes I swerve the car to the left gliding bumpily around the turn. For the drift queen... not one of my finest moments. Gaining control of the car again, Cryptic and I go neck at neck trying to overtake the other. 

Bokuto's next to me gripping onto the door handle for dear life. As the finish line draws nearer, I flick the switch to the final tank of NOS which puts me a bumper ahead Cryptic winning me the race. 

Relief washes over me, my hands ungluing from the steering wheel to reveal nail indented cuts along my palm. Great. Looking over to Bokuto, he seems to be in a state of shock and panic mixed with a hint of fear. 

"You alright dude?" I chuckle having now scarred 3 people with my racing. 

"That. WAS AWESOME!!" He wails excitedly. I think I found my new racing buddy. A presence on my side gets my abrupt attention pulling me out of the lovely moment. 

"I'm impressed. You're one of the very rare people who have managed to beat me. Though for the title drift queen, you were a bit choppy on that last turn," The last sentence almost seems like he's taunting me...

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now