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Taking in our new surroundings, we're in some open field, Gon's a little ways away....throwing...trees?


I don't even wanna ask. 

"Don't just land on people without warning idiot," Kill huffs taking my hand to get up. Pulling him into me, I squish him tightly showing him with kisses which he tries to dodge but fails. He squirms in my grasp in an attempt to get away. "Stop it! Get off of me idiot!" Finally releasing him, Gon yells my name from the distance. Before I can look up to see the little dork, I'm being thrown back. 

"(Y/N)!!!" He giggles squeezing me tightly.  

"GON!" I squeal squeezing him back. 

"We heard yelling and came back as fast as we could," Looking over in the direction of the new voice, it's Kurapika and Leorio with a bunch of things in their hands ready to fight. "(Y/n)? What are you doing out here?" Kurapika asks relaxing his stance. 

"Came to see Killua and Alluka," Hearing her name, she pops her head out from behind Leorio's leg. Spotting me, she joins Gon in the tackle (Y/n) hug. 

"I missed you," She chirps. 

"I missed you too," I giggle hugging her back tightly. "I need a favor," 

"What is it?" She beams enthusiastically. With a deep breath, I muster the strength to ask. 

"Can I talk to Nanika?" She hesitates at first but then nods. She gets up from my torso and stands next to me closing her eyes. A few seconds pass and Nanika takes over. "Hi Nanika, it's been a while," I chuckle nervously. 

"Big sister, you don't talk to me anymore. Are you still mad at me?" My heart drops at the mention of it. Cupping her face in my hands, I squeeze her cheeks giggling. 

"Of course not silly, I could never be mad at you," I reassure her. 

"Big sister still loves me?" 

"I never stopped," Pulling her in for a hug, she hugs me back tightly. I have talked to her a few times after that one unfortunate event, but it was always so brief and to the point. 

"Yay," She remarks. Nanika isn't as bubbly as Alluka is, but she still means well.

"I need a favor," I admit softly. 

"What is it?" She tilts her head to the side.

"Can you reverse what has been done to my friend?" She looks over to Kite then back to me. 

"Okay," In the blink of an eye, Kite is engulfed by a blinding light that subdues after a few seconds, a tall slim figure appearing from the light. 

"KITE!!" Gon and Kill both run towards him, Gon tackling him in a hug. 

"Thank you Nanika," I murmur to her softly. My heart begins to race as the sentence refuses to leave my mouth. "What would you like to do now?" The words hardly come out as even a whisper. Unable to face her, I keep my head on the grass under me. 

"Show me who fixed your heart," Looking up, her words take me by surprise. 

"Who fixed my heart?" I ask a bit lost.

"Your heart has always been incomplete, but now it's whole," My eyes start to water from realization. 

"Hisoka," I whisper more to myself. Taking her hand in mine, I get up from the grassy ground and walk over to the clown sitting against the trunk of a tree playing with his cards. "Nanika, this is Hisoka," Turning to him, my eyes no doubt glossy I kneel to the ground at her level right next to him. "The one who fixed my heart," His hand reaches towards me brushing away something on my cheek. 

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now