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While Hisoka's still asleep, I slip out of bed throwing on one of his sweatpants, and head down to the kitchen for some water only to meet the usual guys in the kitchen. Rooster, Tendou, Ushi, Tsukki, Akaashi, Bokuto, Kags and the tangerine. Whatever conversations they were having before I came in stops as all of them turn to face me. Walking past them I open the fridge and get what I came for. I notice the silent glances between them as well as the murmuring. 

"You don't have to walk on eggshells around me you know. I'm aware Lumi already told you. He texted me last night and told me," He texted just after Hisoka and I climbed into bed letting me know he told them since he also knows I already signed an alliance with them as well as the fact they're becoming like a second family to all of us. They all exhale loudly, all of them visibly relaxing from the tense pose they were holding. 

"There's something you should know," Kurro reluctantly spills. Cocking a brow in his direction he sighs before continuing. "Cryptic's holding a dinner for all the racers in 2 days. Taking a sip of water before he said that was a bad idea. The water comes back up through my nose and mouth. How lovely. The day right before my birthday. Well. Good thing I didn't make any plans. Sure enough, they would be ruined. 

"And how do you know this?" I ask once I recover from my coughing fit. 

"I ran into him this morning on my 5 am jog," Bokuto adds. "He knows we're friends so he said to tell you," He continues.

"The fuck were you even doing up jogging at 5 fucking am in the morning? Are you on drugs?!" I ask. 

 "It helps give me energy for the day," He justifies. 

"You bitches run a mafia and right now the only thing that scares me about you is that you get up at 5 am to jog. WILLINGLY!" The others can't help but silently giggle to themselves.

"It's good for your body," He shrugs.

"So is sleep," I counter.

"ANYWAY," Kuroo intervenes. "Tonight's weather has been cleared for races to continue so I want all of you dressed and ready by 8 pm. Understood?"

"Why so early?" Kenma and I whine. 

"You two could live together in complete harmony," Tsukki adds.

"Sounds like fun to me," We both answer simultaneously. My phone buzzes from my pocket, a text from Illumi. Guess I'm out for the day. How unfortunate.

"Everything alright?" Hinata calls to me. 

"Hmm? Oh. Yeah. I'm heading out for the day so I'm leaving Hisoka in your hands," Kuroo goes to cut me off but I beat him to it. "Don't worry I'll be back before 7. If Hisoka tries to fight anyone just spray him with water," I add before heading into my room. 

Sure enough, and suspiciously enough he's still fast asleep. Popping into the shower, I get changed into some high-waisted cargo pants and a black high-neck sleeveless top, my black combat boots out in the bedroom. I'm gonna have to sneak past Hisoka and hope he doesn't wake up. 

I attempt to grab my shoes and sneak out of the room, but my plans prove futile when something wraps around my waist halting me in my tracks. Bungee gum. To prove my suspicion, I hear him lowly chuckle in his deep morning voice. God hear me now, don't blame me if I don't leave this room within the next 3 hours. 

I'm pulled backward onto a soft surface, most likely the bed. His hands wrap around my hips pulling me to sit on his torso. Gods how he looks good under me. 

"And where are you going leaving me here alone?" He whines. His morning voice is impossible to resist. 

"I have to head out for the day to get some work done for the mission. You," I lay my hands on his chest trailing them up to his neck and back down to his chest. "Are staying with the boys today. Until I get back," Leaning over, I snuggle my face into his neck leaving soft kisses at the base of his neck as well as under his jaw. 

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now