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First off. How the actual wholest fuck did I go from 5 followers to 262??!!! Like WHENNN????!!! That being said, to those 262 lovely people, I loves you alllll❤

Secondlyyyy. Am I stretching this arc like the Chimera ant arc because I don't want this book to end? Absolutely. Does that also include me avoiding writing the other 2 arcs after this because I have no idea what to put beside the ending? Yes. :) 

Thirdly, I'm sorry for the late update, my laptop's been giving me hell and I could hardly use the keyboard properly. 

That being said enjoy.


I must say, rolling over to find nothing but pillows, I find it rather disrespectful that Hisoka has the audacity to leave me alone in bed on a lovely cold stormy morning and disappear when he could have been here giving me cuddles. 

"Mom?" Raising my head from the pillows, Reya's standing at the door with a teddy in her hand. I wonder where she got that? 

"Yeah doll? What's wrong?" I yawn trying to keep my eyes open. 

"Can I sleep with you? I can't sleep," She whines softly. Nodding, she crawls up into bed, snuggling into me holding her stuffed white bunny snug against her chest, her back pressed against my stomach. Draping the blanket over her, I wrap my arm around her as well. 

"Where'd you get the bunny baby?" I ask trying to fight away the sleep.

"Hisoka got it for me, he says it'll help keep the nightmares away. I haven't slept without it since," That adorable jerk. Within moments, she falls sound asleep, my entire being following her moments after. 

It scares me more than anything, being able to sleep peacefully. Considering the number of nightmares I have been having and how consistent they have been, I get suspicious when I don't get any. 

That being said, what also scares me is the missing kid I was cuddling not too long ago. I hope she just hanging with Kuroo and the others. 

Seems the storm isn't going away today, the dark sky still engulfs almost all of Tokyo, sunlight nowhere to be seen. Speaking of things nowhere to be seen, I'm still missing a 6'1 bubblegum hair boyfriend. If he isn't out getting me food, he's gonna get slapped. 

Reluctantly getting out of bed, I shower and change into some black sweatpants and a black bandeau top. Throwing my phone in my pocket, I head out to the kitchen where sure enough, Bokuto and Kenma are there with Reya and Roman. 

"Look who finally decided to get up," Bokuto teases

"It's a stormy day, why are you up so god damned early?" I joke back grabbing an energy drink from the fridge. "Have either of you seen Hisoka? He wasn't in bed when I woke up," I ask sitting next to Kenma as he teaches Roman how to play a game on his console. 

"No clue, sorry," Bokuto shrugs. "Tonight's race got canceled due to the storm, which means we don't have to do anything at all today," He adds. 

"Bummer, I was hoping to wrap this-" My words are cut short when a high pitch ringing starts echoing through my head causing me excruciating pain. Blocking out the sound by covering my ears proves futile as it continues to get louder and louder, more painful with each increased tone. 

In the distant background, I can faintly hear Bokuto's voice calling to me. What feels like an eternity later, the ringing dissipates, leaving nothing but still silence. Somewhere in the middle of the fiasco, Bokuto ended up right behind me, holding my shoulders to not fall. He helps me back onto the stool, staying by my side. 

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now