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For a while, things seem calm. We all talk and laugh amongst ourselves whilst also indulging in the open bar. A few other racers have approached us to talk, some of them staying longer than others. What I did notice though, is that there are guards stationed all around the floor. A little suspicious for this much security at an event like this where you would know the crowd. 

With Kenma on one side of me, and Hisoka on the other, the two seem engrossed in Kenma's game so I end up switching places with Hisoka so the two can play, leaving me and Bokuto to play a series of rock paper scissors and thumb wrestling. 

The clinking of glass gets everyone's attention, all heads turning to the source of the sound at the center of the room. Standing there with a proud smirk on his face is none other than Cryptic himself, decked out in a full black suit, his hair slicked back, a few loose strands framing his face, a waitress taking the metal utensil from him replacing it with a mic. 

"First off, I'd like to welcome you all to our annual racers dinner, this year is probably the biggest turnout we've ever had. I'd just like to say what an honor it is to have all of you here with us this evening. It's refreshing to see both old faces and new ones alike. Now, to quit my rambling I think it's time to bring out the food and start the night,"

Cheers and applauds of agreement fill the room, his smile widening. "After dinner is served, feel free to enjoy drinks, desserts, and not to mention dance a bit to work off the food you ate. With that being said, please enjoy your night," He hands the waitress the mic before turning around to head into the elevator. 

Before the doors could close, his eyes find mine, a coy smirk spreading across his face. Well, that certainly doesn't make me nauseous. I'm brought back to reality by a waiter handing me a menu and a pen to fill out. The menu asks for a name and table then lists a bunch of dishes and drinks with a box next to it to tick off. 

The menu lets you pick an appetizer, a main course, a cocktail, and dessert.  The variety is exotic to say the least so I just tick the names of things I know. At the bottom of the menu is a place to specify any allergies or such which is quite nice. 

The waiter who I pick up is assigned to our table comes back to take our menus before disappearing. Not long goes by before he comes back with a cart filled with our appetizers, and drinks. 

Since we all took different appetizers, we all took one from each other making a little variety plate of our own. Luckily for me, none of the appetizers they took has any form of seafood so I can comfortably eat it. 

"It's unfair that we have to watch you guys eat and you're right under us," Hinata whines in our ear. 

"Suck it up tangerine. I'll make you dinner tomorrow, how about that?" I offer.

"Deal," He cheers happily. 

"Weren't you gonna leave tonight?" Kuroo asks.

"No. Why would I?" I ask confused that they think I would leave so soon. 

"Illumi told us you guys were leaving once the mission was finished," He answers.

"Don't mind him. I thought I'd spend my birthday with you guys and bring the kids so we could have one last day together since I'm not sure when I'll get time to visit again," Smiles take over all their faces which mirror onto me. 

Our main course arrives, each different but all divinely aromatic, my stomach grumbling in anticipation. Since I hadn't a single clue of half of the items on the menu, I went with a chicken parmesan over a bed of pasta. 

"Can I steal a bite?" Hisoka asks lovingly. Though I roll my eyes at him, I pick up a fork full of my food and feed it to him. 

"Can I try yours?" I ask reaching my fork over to take some of his pasta. 

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now