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"Are you bastards looking to die today?" The big buff guy calls to us. We ignore him and carry on with our idle chatter. As Kuroo predicted, his entire force surrounds us in a tight circle, all their guns pointed at our heads.

With a shared glance between each other, we push our chairs back knocking a few of the guys back a few steps. One of them swings at me but I duck in time, Hisoka repaying the attempted blow by slicing the guy's arm off before slicing his throat. The guy next to the now decapitated one points his gun at Hisoka but I pull on his leg causing him to fall back accidentally shooting 2 of his guys.

Kuroo and the others duck allowing Hisoka and I to send our cards at the rest of swat bastards. Noticing something behind me, Kuroo pushes me down by my shoulder and shoots behind me the buff guy taking the blow in his leg sending him to one knee. Another bullet leaves Kuroo's gun this time landing in the guy's shoulder.

Red stains the floor in many puddles, the lifeless bodies of the swat guys around our table. Just as we think we're in the clear, quadruple the amount of guys pile into the room from various exits. Welp, this is about to get pretty ugly. Kuroo alerts our backup who swarm the place surrounding the swat.

"I got eyes on Cryptic. He's on the top floor," Tendou's voice comes through.

"(Y/n)," Kuroo calls.

"I know," Drawing two kunai from my thigh straps, I already map out the quickest route to the elevator. With an unspoken agreement between us, we all sprint off in different directions, a trail of red left in our path. With a few lethal gashes to a few guys, I get into the elevator impatiently clicking my heel against the elevator floor watching as the numbers slowly go up.

After an eternity, the doors finally open to the top floor, my stomach already churning from past experience. My heels click against the tiled floors, echoing through the seemingly empty space. A bright glare in my eye, my attention going to the building across the street where Tendou shines the light at me, a nonverbal sign of "I got your back"

"I'm surprised to see you here," His voice gets my attention. Turning my head in the direction of his voice, he emerges from the dark with a glass of wine in hand. " I was hoping the next time I saw you, you would be most likely chained and confined to my quarters," He smirks. "But I sense you'd break through those shackles with no issue,"

"You're right about that last part," I grip onto my kunai tightly, my knuckles no doubt turning white. His eyes scan my body, no doubt noticing the blood splattered across my body.

"You know, that peasant you call a husband can't give you everything you need," He speaks. The urge to break his skeleton into 2 pieces intensifies.

"And what makes you say that," I scoff entertaining his pathetic last conversation.

"I ran a background check on him and he comes from the literal streets. You, however, I couldn't find anything on you. Which made me think. Why would that be? Then it hit me, your true identity is hidden which means you're someone very important. So why would someone of your stature take that street rat as your husband? You could do so much better,"

"Lemme guess, like you?" I scoff trying my best to hold back my temper.

"Why not, I think we could be a formidable and untouchable duo, don't you?" He smirks.

"There are trillions if not more different realities, to some I could be a character in a book, an actor on a series, or a real person, hell I could be just a thought in someone's imagination. I no doubt have both genders at my feet that want me and hell maybe in one of those realities I have them call me mistress and beg for me. But If you think in any single one of those, I don't choose him in the end, you're dreaming," I answer proudly meaning every last word. No matter who or what comes I know there's no better option for me than Hisoka.

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now