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Ultimately, I ended up not racing last night. Hisoka and I just sat on the roof of the car watching the others race. Kuroo's team won 2 of the races while Cryptic's team won the others. He's quite talented in racing, that much is obvious. It looks like he's been doing it all his life. 

Though it escapes me as to why he gives off such a low aura. It's equivalent to the amount you would feel from a small infant less than a couple of weeks old. 

"You're zoning out again," Hisoka's soft voice calls to me. Back in reality, he's leaned against the door of the balcony with two mugs in his hand. It is truly difficult to not notice the black sweatpants with bright neon blue card suits going down the side of the left leg sitting lowly on his hips with his hair messily kept back with a headband he found in my purse. 

"You know I despise hot drinks," I groan tilting my head back against the cold concrete wall of the balcony. He just chuckles and walks over to me lifting my legs from off the bench so he can sit, placing them on his lap. He rests one arm on the cushioned armrest of the bench leaning back into the soft plush bench 

He hands me a mug, the sweet liquid covered with what appears to be marshmallow fluff, sprinkled with a hefty amount of chocolate chips. Bringing my gaze back to the clown staring at him with a cocked brow, he just smiles at me widely.

"Try it," He encourages. With a sigh of defeat, I bring the warm mug to my lips hoping that it isn't gonna burn my tongue. Oddly enough, it doesn't. It warms me up entirely, the sweet chocolaty taste being one I adore. 

"What is it?" I ask licking the marshmallow fluff from my lips. The cold early morning air passes me by with no effect seeing that the drink is keeping me warm from the inside. 

"My hot chocolate order," He grins proudly. Again I say, how the absolute fuck does he not have a cavity or something?!

"I don't hate it but, I wouldn't drink it all the time. Maybe on a very rainy day," He just laughs at me. 

"Would you mind explaining why you're up so early? It isn't like you," He coos.

"Would you mind explaining how you got up left and came back without me noticing?" I answer back.

"When you zone out you hardly ever notice anything around you so it's quite easy to slip in and out unnoticed," He smiles mischievously. "Your turn,"

"Couldn't sleep. Another nightmare," I confess. He just sighs and gets up from his spot on the bench to stand in front of me. Before I can say a word, he lifts me up and sits down placing me to sit on his lap, my side pressed to his torso letting my feet lay across the rest of the bench. Instinctively, I lay my head on his shoulder snuggling into the side of his neck. 

"You could have woken me up, I would have kept you occupied till you fell back asleep," He mutters, his voice vibrating his neck and chest. 

"I didn't wanna wake you. You seemed deep in sleep drool and all," I chuckle. 

"Oh? That's news to me," 

Comfortable silence falls upon us as we finish our drinks listening to nature around us. It's times like this I truly adore with him. Doing nothing but still being together. It's comforting in a way I can't explain.  

So what do we do now? I could just kill him and make it look like a car accident, but I don't know if he's guilty of something bad or not. To kill a man who isn't guilty would go against the Zoldyck code, however, to not kill him means I have to continue this mission by getting him to trust me and get as close to him as I can which I most definitely DO NOT wanna do. 

"Alright, back to bed with you," He picks me up by my waist effortlessly taking me back to the bed. He grabs the now empty cup from my hand and places it on the nightstand before gently dropping my body on the bed.

Dragon's Game (Hisoka X Reader) (Book 3 of The Magician and The Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now