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ONCE ADRIANNA AND BRANDON ARRIVE AT the coffee kiosk, he wastes absolutely no time ordering his drink (A large Cappuccino) followed by Adrianna who orders a large caramel Macchiato and a double chocolate brownie.

"So. You know how we usually have a party after getting through the first week of school? Can we like not, this time? I just want to have a chill night with y'all at our spot." That spot being the INTERCONTINENTAL in Downtown Los Angeles. They're known by name there so they can get anything they please without issue.

"Honestly, I feel the same way. I'm not trying to be at home."


"WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU, ALYSSA?" Aurora inquires, continuing to hang posters up. Part of her wants to just pretend that they're not even standing there, but that won't go over well. Alyssa is the type to have everything be about and everyone focus on her.

Justin rubs the nape of Aurora's neck. He can tell that she's stressed out and the senior clique's presence does not fucking help.

"There's a party at my house this Friday night and I'm going around inviting the important people. I expect to see y'all there."

Justin goes to answer but Adrianna and Brandon come back with eight cups of coffee. Mario grabs the cup with his name on it and takes a long sip. Autumn follows his lead, grinning ear to ear as he kisses her cheek.

"What did we miss?" Brandon asks, passing Justin and Aurora their coffee. He then sends a mass message to the Empire group chat.

we're going to our spot
Friday night.

Aurora, having read the message first, looks at her friends and then at Alyssa. "We have plans on Friday night but we will try to make it." She's straight-up lying but the Untouchables don't need to know that shit. She's trying to get them to leave.

That answer, someway somehow, seems to satisfy Alyssa so she's rambling off details and leading her girls away with a loud snap of her manicured finger.

Kingsley narrows his eyes.

"Don't worry. We're most definitely not going to that damn party. I only said that so they would leave. We are not abandoning our traditions for some classless, trashy ass parties. That's not who the hell we are."

With all of the posters hung up, the girls pick up their purses and head towards the exit with the boys.

Justin hugs Aurora from behind, kissing the sensitive spot behind her ear. "You're so stunning, doll."

"Thank you, baby. Can we do something tonight? Yeah, it's a school night but I don't care. I want to go out with my sexy man." She turns around in his arms and wraps her own around his neck. "Let's take a drive down Mulholland and stare at the city skyline."

"Sounds like a fantastic plan to me."

The bell rings, causing all eight of them to groan simultaneously.

"Can we skip?" Brandon says, causing Avalon and Adrianna to shove him towards the building.

"Move your ass, Carrington."


Kingsley laughs as he walks down the deserted hallway toward Headmaster Fountaine's office. Normally, the hallways bustle with activity as students run from class to class before the tardy bell rings. That, of course, is during passing periods. Kingsley happens to be heading down the hallway during class time.

He's no stranger to the office. He spends a good three out of seven periods in there, almost every damn day. Today, Kingsley would be visiting the headmaster's office on account of ridiculing a teacher to 'make class more interesting'. In his defense, the class was boring as hell and he had a right to question Miss Davidson about why her clothes were undone, and why her hair was messy and all over the place in the middle of the damn day.

"Oh great," Kingsley hears Fountaine mutter as he walks into the man's office. "What happened this time, Mr. Hawthorne?"

"Oh, apparently it's against school rules to ask a teacher why she looks like she just walked out of a sex session during class." Kingsley rolls his eyes. Fountaine chokes on his water, Kingsley's explanation catching him off guard.

"Mr. Hawthorne, you don't just ask teachers questions like that," Fountaine says like it was obvious.

Kingsley shrugs, smoothing his blazer out as he stands up. "I honestly don't give a shit what you say. I know it's you she's fucking, and with that being said, I'm sure this meeting is over." He saunters out of the office, a smirk on his face. When he steps back into the hallway, he notices Avalon standing there leaning against the wall.

"Wassup troublemaker? Get in harsh trouble this time?"

"Please. Fountaine knows better than to try getting any of us in trouble. Not when I know he's the one Miss Davidson is fucking."

Avalon's eyes widen. "Shut the fuck up! Seriously??"

"Yeah. Don't forget that both of them are married. Fucking cheating idiots, I swear." Kingsley shrugs and pulls her down the hallway.

But the sound of the voice they had just heard earlier, stops all movement. It's Alyssa. For important reasons, Avalon records The Untouchables' conversation. Kingsley thinks they're plotting something.

"Why did you invite them to the party, Alyssa?"

"I am going to make them look like complete fools. I want them to realize that we're the ones running shit around here. That's why I had that freshman ask Aurora if she got dumped because she has a sex disease."

Madison snorts. "Think they'll show up?"

"I hope they do." Alyssa is smirking.

Avalon stops the recording and sends it to the rest of the Empire. She inclines her head towards Kingsley. He nods and they walk around the corner. Alyssa stops talking at their presence. The pair pretend like they didn't hear a thing.

When they get back to the classroom, they see Aurora fuming in anger. Yeah, she's pissed to the max, rightfully so. She's going to make Alyssa look like an idiot.

"First Jasmine and now Alyssa. What's it going to take for these bitches to learn not to fuck with us?"

The Empire is just going to have to beat these hoes at their own games and win. Prepare for yet another showdown.

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