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IT'S THE FIRST DAY BACK to school after Winter break for the students of LOS ANGELES PREPARATORY ACADEMY. The first day is the time to show off how skinny and tan you had gotten, it's important to look your best on all days but especially this one. Aurora wakes up at five-thirty on the dot and works out in her home gym till six. From there she takes a shower, generously applies her moisturizers, and does a collagen face mask as she does her hair. Her last step, before applying her makeup, is to always, always put on sunscreen. When she was in middle school she had read in a magazine that it helped to keep one's skin smooth and delicate. Looking at Vivienne's aging face, she knows her older self would appreciate the extra care younger her put in to prevent looking crazy.

The uniforms are pretty basic this new semester. It's a white collar shirt with a grey or black pleated skirt, your choice of a burgundy, green, black, or grey cardigan sweater with the gold LA Prep emblem stitched on it. The girls can wear heels, as long they can walk in them.

Aurora lets out a long sigh, mainly at the fact that the winter break is officially over. God, why can't she be at her parents' chalet in SWITZERLAND with Justin like she was at the beginning of the break? She'd rather be frolicking on the snow with him hauling her over his broad shoulders with her BURBERRY ski suit clad ass up in the air, causing her to giggle loudly and playfully demand to be let down.

In her grey cardigan on top of her white polo shirt and grey skirt, she prances around her room trying to finish getting ready before Justin picks her up. Her hair is in it naturally curly state today. Her makeup is neutral. She steps in her grey lace and leather DOLCE AND GABBANA thigh-high boots and zips them up.

She sprays her neck with some SAINT LAURENT perfume and grabs her grey LOUBOUTIN tote bag, loading all the important necessities inside of it, including her laptop and AirPods. Once ready, she leaves her room and heads downstairs for breakfast.

When she gets to the dining room, Odette is already there, sipping on some orange juice. It's very lively in the Hollingsworth hideaway today. There is a fresh bouquet of sunflowers in a crystal vase sitting in the middle of the table.

"Good morning bubs!"

Odette smiles in response. "Good morning big sister! You look so pretty. The curls are out to play today."

"Thank you, love. I figured I'd give my hair a break from so much heat. Plus Justin is coming over for breakfast this morning. He loves my curls."

Odette chuckles. Things are the same way with her and Chris. They love running their hands through each otherʼs hair. "Christian is coming over as well. I can't wait. Oh by the way, are you and your friends going to the art show this weekend?"

"We are. Mario is excited to go. It's all he can talk about. That and how pretty Autumn looks every day."

The doorbell rings. Walter exits the kitchen to answer. Both Justin and Christian walk in and greet him. Aurora jumps out of her seat and walks into the foyer, Odette behind her. Both sisters embrace their boyfriends with hugs and kisses. Juliette and Charles choose that moment to come downstairs. The latter burying his face into his wifeʼs neck, making her giggle.

"Good morning everyone."

In unison, "Good morning."

Justin lifts Aurora off of the floor. She squeals and giggles loudly. "I missed you too, big guy." He playfully growls in her ear.

The couples make their way in the dining room and sit down at the table.

Christian's phone rings. When he takes it out of his back pocket, he immediately wants to hurl it out of the nearest window. It's his mother calling and that's never a good thing. "I'm not available." He puts the device on do not disturb and back into his pocket.

"How's work going, mommy?"

Juliette has officially launched her lingerie and makeup collections. It took a lot of time and patience, not to mention money. She and the girls have done photoshoots for marketing campaigns. Speaking of campaigns, she is planning a fashion show.

"Work is fabulous. I'm having a meeting with my team to see some details through for the fashion show. Aurora, honeybear, I want you and your girls in it. I'm going to ask Fallon, Andrea and Danielle to be in it. Odette, I want you and Angie in it. Ugh, I want this show to be legendary."

Charles grabs his wife's hand and kisses it several times. "And it will be. Simply because you know how to put on a show. Calm down, my love." She smiles when he leans over in his seat to kiss her deeply.

Aurora smiles at them and turns to Justin who's looking at her with a look of tender adoration on his face. "I love you, big guy. "

"I love you more, pretty dove. I don't want to go to school. I'd rather be here cuddling with you."

Aurora pouts cutely. God, she loves this man. He makes her so fucking happy. "I know. But there's always after school. And then tonight we can go star gazing."

"Sounds good."

Everyone finishes their breakfast. Aurora pulls a set of keys out of her tote bag and looks at Justin. "Shall we go?"

"We shall. I don't want anyone coming at us for being late. Furthermore, I don't feel like cussing anyone out today." Justin stands up, putting his SAINT LAURENT backpack on.

He leads Aurora outside. There, by the fountain, sits a brand new grey LAMBORGHINI. "Pretty Dove, tell me I am not seeing a Lamborghini in my view."

She giggles. "Yes, yes you are. Wanna drive?"

"Oh hell yes."

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