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STEPHANIE AND JASMINE SIT WITH their clique, consisting of BRYNN HARRISON, HARLEY JAMES, and VICTORIA PARKER, gossiping about the Empire. "Nice job Stephanie. These bitches need to be knocked down a peg, or a hundred," Jasmine sneers.

Stephanie cackles. She has another plan up her sleeve. They're planning what to do next when they hear commotion behind them.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the two little instigating bitches." They shut up and whip around at the sound of Aurora's voice. "Having fun trying to take us down?"

Jasmine and Stephanie glance at each other. They both smirk. "Yeah, we are having fun. Someone needs to knock you bitches off your damn high horse. We intend to make sure it happens and immediately."

Aurora steps away from Justin's embrace, straightens her blazer, passes her purse to Adrianna who holds it like it's extremely precious (It is, actually), and walks up to Jasmine, standing directly in the girl's line of sight. "I thought you would've learned your lesson the last time you started some shit. Let me explain something to you. David and I are not dating. I don't like cheaters."

Jasmine stiffens at the words.

"I haven't been with that asshole since the beginning of the summer. Want to know why? I caught him in bed with another girl." Aurora turns to the onlookers watching the confrontation. "The best part is, I know who he cheated on me with."

Justin's hazel eyes are widening. He's been wondering who that motherfucker hooked up with and why he was so damn stupid to cheat on a stunning beauty like Aurora.

Stephanie scoffs. "There's no way you know that."

"Jasmine," Aurora turns to the other girl. "Does Stephanie know that you're fucking her step-brother... my ex-boyfriend?"

Stephanie slowly turns to her supposed best friend. "I'm sorry. You're doing what? You're hooking up with David? When I specifically asked you to stay the hell away from him."

"Oops. Looks like y'all have some shit to discuss. Anyway, I'm dating Justin now. I don't want any of you hoes thinking he's available to date."

Justin pulls her closer to him, silencing her with a searing kiss. "That's right. We're together. Jasmine, I dare you to try some shit, on any one of us. Expect a lawsuit so hefty your family will be paying that shit off for years to come."

Jasmine stands up, seething. Justin stands in front of Aurora, shielding her. "You lay a hand on her and you're done for."

"Justin, how can you date her? She's such a conniving bitch."

Aurora looks over Justin's shoulder. "Yeah. You're calling me a bitch. Do you really think I care? Trust me. I clearly don't give a shit." She smirks. "I'm Aurora Hollingsworth. I'm everything you want to be. Remember that. You're not running shit around here. We are."

"Bitches. Every motherfucking one of you."

Kingsley rolls his eyes. "There's no significant need to repeat yourself, Jasmine. We ignored your petty ass just fine the first time. Can we go now?"

"I'm with Kingsley. Standing here in the same vicinity as this girl is boring me. Y'all know I don't like boredom. It's dilatory." Brandon says looking up from his phone.

Aurora holds her hand out in Adrianna's direction. The onyx-eyed girl handing the former her purse. "Yeah, guys. We can go. The more I address this bitch, the more annoyed I get."

Mario stands there, plotting a scheme to get Jasmine expelled. Over the years, this girl has tried time and damn time again to ruin the group's reputation and at one point, tried to turn them against each other. But Aurora, ever so observant, saw right through her. Yeah, she gotta go. They're going to make sure of it.

"Miss Hollingsworth, a moment please."

Aurora rolls her eyes and straightens her back up. "Yes, Headmaster Fountaine?" She looks at him, feigning innocence.

"What's this I hear about you calling a student a dumbass all because she asked you a question?"

Aurora tilts her head to the side. "With all due respect, that student falsely insinuated that my former boyfriend broke up with me because I have a sex disease. I don't like people assuming things about me."

"Miss Hollingsworth-"

Aurora cuts him off. "Headmaster. You're aware of who my father is, right? Do I need to call him and let him know that you're trying to get me in trouble? Because I will." She's holding her phone as she says this.

The headmaster's eyes dilate at the mention of Charles Hollingsworth. Charles is efficient as he is powerful. He can easily ruin him.

"No need for that. My apologies for offending you."

"May I go now? Sir? I'm hungry and I'm not a nice person to be around when I'm hungry."

He nods his head.

"Empire. We're out."

As the sound of Aurora's voice, they catch up to her and walk inside, going to the cafeteria.

"So what's for lunch today? More importantly, what am I in the mood for?" Mario asks out loud, gazing upon the menu.

Autumn stalks up next to him. "I know what I'm ordering. Garlic butter steak with crab-stuffed lobster."

Mario regards her with a look of wonder. "You intrigue me every day, Autumn Weatherly." He kisses her cheek.

"You intrigue me too, Mario Wellington." She returns the compliment with a kiss on his cheek.

Adrianna, Kingsley, and Brandon are weighing options because they're fucking indecisive on what to order. "Alright, I know I'm indefinite right now. But why are y'all? Both of you usually know what to get." She says.

Kingsley shrugs. "I'm trying to decide between the blackened salmon with sautéed shrimp or the garlic butter grilled lobster tail and shrimp scampi. Hell, I might get all of it. I don't give a shit at this point."

"I'm going to get the slow-grilled leg of lamb with some lemon garlic butter scallops. It smells so damn good." Brandon says, staring at the menu.

"Avalon, what are you getting?"

The aforementioned girl turns around. "I just decided on the honey garlic salmon with some creamy scalloped potatoes."

Adrianna gasps. "When did they add prime porterhouse steak to the menu? I'll get that and the sautéed sea scallops."

Justin is glancing over the menu when Aurora hugs him from behind. "Hi, baby. What are you in the mood for?"

"Well." She's in the mood for him but she's going to keep that thought to herself. "I'm going to get the filet mignon- grilled to medium rare- and the truffle poached lobster tail with a side of cheese potato gratin."

"In that case, I will get the chateaubriand, garlic butter grilled lobster tail, and shrimp scampi."

They place their orders and go sit at table 8 where there's a basket of cheese toast sitting smack dab in the middle.

Jasmine observes the movement of the Empire. She sits infuriated at how Aurora embarrassed her. She feels like a fool. Stephanie also cussed her out after they walked away.

Hearing the clunk of two trays being set down on the table's surface, Jasmine, the queen of Table 15, lets a sweet smile decorate her face. "Hi, girls." She plucks her blue limited edition CELINE Nano purse off the seat next to her and pats the three empty spaces on either side of her.

Brynn, Harley, and Victoria sit down at the table..

"Here's what we're going to do."

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