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MONDAY MORNINGS IN THE Harrison household are honestly anything but good. Eric is on a rampage right now, yelling loudly over the phone. Must be mad at a client again. If that is the case, Avalon is not surprised. What she does know is that if he keeps this bullshit up, his business is going to go down right the damn drain. Ugh, he's yelling so incredibly loud that her head is starting to hurt. Frankly, she's regretting even leaving her room this morning.

"Oh my god. I really should've stayed with Kingsley last night. Why the fuck did I say no?" She facepalms and shakes her head, needing to finish her breakfast so she can go back upstairs and go back to sleep. "Oh my goodness. Mom, can't you calm him down or something? He's giving me a damn headache."

Regina looks over at her only daughter with automatic head shake. "No can do, honey. I tried and he told me to leave him alone so that's exactly what I'm doing." No Regina, you're letting him walk all over you. Get a grip and speak up. Coward.

'I am too damn hungover for this shit here. I need Kingsley. Let me call him.'

But before she can even pull her phone out of the pocket of her ivory colored KIKI DE MONTPARNASSE orchid silk and lace robe, in walks Eric now cussing someone out over the phone. Avalon cannot take this anymore so she gets up with her empty plate and glass, hands them over to chef HAROLD and walks upstairs without another word.

When she enters her rose gold and white bedroom, she closes the door and nearly squeals loudly at the sight of Kingsley standing on her balcony, wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants (leaving nothing to the imagination).

Kingsley grins to himself and turns around. She runs up to him and jumps into his open arms. Truth is, Avalon did stay with him last night... in this very room. Regina and Eric just don't know that and she plans to keep it that way.

"You're still here! I thought you would've gone back to your penthouse by now." She nuzzles his cheek with her nose.

Kingsley shakes his head and gently lays her down on the bed, his chiseled body hovering over hers. "Go back to my penthouse without my pretty girl with me? Not happening."

She giggles and toys with the silver Cuban link chain around his neck. Kingsley is whipped for this girl. If you told him a year ago that this would happen, there's no doubt that in my mind that he would called you crazy and in laugh in your face but... here we are. Junior year of high school and Kingsley has a girlfriend that he's stupidly in love with. Moreover, he hasn't even looked at another girl since. Did I already tell y'all this? I might have. Hell, I don't remember.

Chile anyways...

Kingsley leans down to kiss her deeply... only to get interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. This causes Avalon to pout cutely. He kisses it away and answers. "Yeah, B. Wassup?"

"Coach sent out emails to the entire varsity team. Someone anonymously tipped him off that one of our players is using steroids to play better." Oh shit, I think we all know where this is going. "There's a drug test scheduled for this afternoon."

Hearing this has Kingsley letting out the loudest groan ever. He only does that he's in bed with Avalon wrapped up in a cloud of heated passion. "Why so early? Don't they usually do testing in November before the playoffs?"

"Yeah they do but things have clearly changed. Currently hating these new school policies. Like bro, what the hell? Anyway, I'll see you there. I need my Blake time before I go anywhere. Later."

The call end and Kingsley flops down on the bed right next to her, throwing an arm across his face. Avalon climbs on top of him, kneading his chest like a little kitten. "Drug testing. Someone on the team is using steroids. It's not me or the boys, I know that much."

"You smoke weed but you haven't done that in a while." She leans down to kiss his chin, mainly because it's the only area not covered by his large arm. "I have faith that you'll pass, my love."

Hearing this has Kingsley taking a moment to look at the girl sitting on his lap. Every since they started dating, she's been stupendously supportive of him and his actions. Avalon Emery Harrison is his first love, his soulmate.

"Thank you, pretty girl. Come with me?"

Avalon nods and kisses him softly. "Absolutely."

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"ALRIGHT GENTLEMEN, before we start, this is your one chance to own up to your shit. Last week's practice was HORRENDOUS."

As this man speaks, Justin is not listening at all. His mind is on the beautiful girl rubbing her prettily manicured hand up and down his right bicep. After finally consummating their relationship, they've been more clingier towards each other to the point where they cannot stand being in a room the other isn't in. Basically, they're like magnets- they can't be torn apart.

"Mmm, thank you for coming with me, pretty dove. You make everything better... even this nervousness I have running through my body. And you know me, I'm smooth. Being nervous is something I know nothing about." He playfully nips at her ear.

Aurora giggles softly and nuzzles his cheek with her nose, steering him to lean down and kiss her softly. "I love you, bubby."

"I love you too, pretty dove."

Aside from having to do drug testing and planning the Empire halloween party, there's another event happening this year that Justin is looking very forward to- cotillion, a formal ball, especially one at which debutantes are presented.

Aurora can see the gears turning in his head. So she climbs into his lap to distract him but before she can take things any further, "Mr. Winchester, please remove your little friend from off of your lap and get over here for your test. Hurry it up. Let's go."

Oh hell no. Justin stands up, holding a squealing Aurora in his arms. This man insulting her in front of him has him seething in anger deep down but also, hearing her giggles has him smiling. He sets her down on the blacktop ground.

"Good luck, bubby." She kisses him deeply.

He pulls away and winks at her, his facial expression doing a total 180. Oh shit, Aurora knows that look. Protective Justin has come out to play. He walks up to this man. "You can say, think, or feel whatever the fuck you want about me but my girlfriend is off- limits. When it comes down to her, I'm a motherfucking animal. I do not play around. I will murder anyone who fucks with her wrongly. Try me."

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