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KINGSLEY IS COMING DOWN THE HALLWAY with a giggling Avalon on his arm when he hears screaming and the sound of something breaking. He grabs his girlfriend's hand and runs down the hallway. When he gets there, he is in no way, shape, or form surprised to see that his parents are the reason for all the commotion. Luckily for him, Aaron has returned his manhood back inside of his pants.

"So she finally caught you cheating, I see."

Scarlett screams again. Bitch, can you PLEASE shut the fuck up? Nobody needs to hear that shit. Kingsley throws her a blank stare. Avalon stands next to him, eyes wide as she takes in the situation.

"Mother, you're not particularly innocent in this shit either. Yeah, he's cheating on you but you're doing the same damn thing. With the gardener, still don't know that man's name, in the guesthouse every night."

Scarlett looks miffed. Bitch, stop with the theatrics. You've been caught. Aaron throws her a glare only for her to walk up to him and slap him right across the face. She does the same to Valentina, who's still nude.

"Both of you are despicable if you ask me."

They all look towards the doors to see Charles and Juliette standing there, furious stares on their faces. It's a shock because they very seldom show their anger. When they do, you'd better stay out of the way or you will get burned... or buried. It's your choice.

"Charles, Juliette- stay the fuck out of this. This has nothing to do with either of you." Scarlett goes to get in the woman's face but her arm is grabbed and twisted behind her back. She looks up to see Aurora looming over here. The look on her face is scary. "You little bitch, unhand me this instant. I will clock you."

"Go ahead. You can definitely try but you won't get far. However, if you lay a hand on my parents, I will be forced to put you in a hospital."

Kingsley smirks. He called Charles a little while ago. Saying that he needs some powerful reinforcements to deal with his parents' bullshit.

"Aurora, honey," The sound of her mother's voice causes her to let go of the disgruntled woman. "Are you alright?"

The heiress nods and goes into the en-suite to wash her hands only to turn right around and walk right back out. "Someone needs to get maid service in here. That bathroom is fucking filthy. Ugh." She leaves, going back into the ballroom.

"Scarlett, you ever threaten my daughter again, she won't be the reason that you end up in a hospital. I will." Scarlett, just give up already. You have no real power here. "I hope you realize that for every committee you're planning to get on this year, I can make one phone call and impose a sanction on you. Furthermore, Charles can drain you and Aaron of your fortune. Kingsley won't have to deal with any issues.  We all know his grandparents are handling his trust fund because neither of you can be trusted."

"I fucking knew it. I wonder what would happen if my grandparents on both sides found out that their children are unfaithful to one another. Watch you both get cut off. Thank you. I have a call to make tomorrow morning. " He goes to leave but turns back to his father. "I'm going to have immense fun watching you rot. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

Avalon is watching him with fondness and love in her eyes. "I'm so proud of you, babe."

"Thank you, beautiful." He spins her around, smiling at her giggles, and leads her out the door.

Charles looks at his wife who's still glaring at Scarlett. She's only ever put up with this bitch because Aurora and Kingsley are best friends. "Come Monday morning, I'm going to do some serious damage to her reputation."

"Can't wait to see it, honey. Anyway, time to let these two kill each other in private. I want nothing more to do with this," Charles holds his hand out for her to take. "Have I told you that you look incredible tonight?"

She nods and rests her hand on his chest as they walk out of the door back into the ballroom. "You have, but I love it when you compliment me, my love. It makes me feel loved and special."

"Because you are. You're my lifeline, my soulmate, my one and only, my everything." He doesn't take his eyes off of Juliette as he walks up onto the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please? My family and I would like to thank you for attending this years Diamond Weekend. You all know that a lot went into planning this time around. Before I let you know how much money we raised this year, I would like to say something to the love of my life. Honey, come up here."

Juliette blushes as she walks up onto the stage. She's so in love with Charles that it's actually ridiculous. Like the way Aurora is possessive over Justin, Jules is the same way. She's not letting anybody take Charles from her. They've tried only to fail completely.

"Juliette Michelle Hollingsworth, you make me the happiest man on this damn planet. It took one look and I knew that the stars finally spoke back, through you. I look at you as you smile, just like sunlight that dazzles, forging halos so bright. I fell in love with you not knowing what love really was. I stayed in love with you because there's no one or nothing I've ever wanted more than you. I will forever be in love with you because I can't picture even a second of my life without you. You healed pieces of me I didn't know needed healing. You cared for me when I didn't know I could use that extra love. You brought out the happiness in me I didn't know existed. You've made me feel more alive than ever. With that being said, will you do me the absolute honor of marrying me again, darling?" He pulls a silver ring box out of his pocket and the ring in it is absolutely stunning- probably more than the first one he gave her.

It's 12-carat pink oval diamond ring, designed by LORRAINE SCHWARTZ- that he paid over $2 million for. He loves to spoil his wife, what can you say?

Aurora, Odette, and all the women in the room squeal loudly. The men cheer.

What do you say, Juliette?

With a giggle, "Yes. I will absolutely marry you again, my love." She watches as he slips the ring on her finger and pulls him up into a stupendously sweet kiss.

[somewhere in the back of the ballroom, Stephanie DuPont can be seen clutching her champagne glass in total fury. Girl, if you don't- ykw let me be quiet]

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this in two days. I procrastinated a bit but I got it done- ENJOY

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