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AURORA HOLLINGSWORTH stepped off the Hollingsworth private jet after having just spent the entire summer in MILAN, ITALY. She was back in LOS ANGELES, a place she was queen of. It's hard trying to knock a queen off her 24K gold-covered throne. Aurora doesn't take shit from anybody. This girl can put you in your damn place with just a look. She doesn't even have to say anything. One look from her and you're either shivering or completely pissing your pants.

"Miss Hollingsworth, welcome back to the States. We hope you had a wonderful summer." The head of her security detail, CARTER, says, helping her down the steps of the jet so she won't trip and fall in her LOUBOUTINS.

"Thank you, Carter. My summer was fabulous." She says, giving him a genuinely sincere smile. She trusts this man with her life. "Are my parents back in the city yet?"

The man shakes his head. "Negative. They'll be in MONACO for another day or two. They do send their regards for not being here."

The girl nods in understanding and raises a manicured hand upwards to remove her GUCCI square frame gradient sunglasses from her face, revealing her piercing stone-grey eyes. Her eyes are the most prominent on that perfectly sculpted face of hers.

A shiny black 2020 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR pulls in the lot, right in front of Aurora, so she won't have to walk a long way. Thank the heavens for that. Carter goes to open the back door for her. Before actually doing so, he turns to the wealthy teenager.

"There's a surprise for you waiting at home." Home would be the HOLLINGSWORTH HIDEAWAY, located in the heart of BRENTWOOD, where she resides with her parents, JULIETTE and CHARLES, her younger sister ODETTE, and last but most certainly not least, WALTER, the beloved Hollingsworth majordomo and the slew of other staff.

Aurora looked intrigued at this statement. Usually, she's not keen on surprises. She finds them too cliche. Hopefully, this one involves her favorite person in the entire world. She nods her head and when Carter opens the door, she climbs inside.

Aurora closes her eyes the minute the truck takes off. She utilizes the ride home to sit and accumulate her thoughts. Part of her wishes she was still in Italy. She had broken up with her ex-boyfriend DAVID COHEN just before the summer started. She caught him in bed, fucking another girl. She ended the relationship, cut off all ties with him, and left for Italy without a word to anyone except one person.

When her parents found out where she was, initially, they weren't happy. It took her explaining why she was there for them to calm down and see things from her point of view. Charles vowed to his wife and eldest daughter that if he saw David on the street, he would see to it that the boy's reputation gets ruined. Luckily, that hasn't happened yet. Aurora was happy because if it did, David would ambush her and she would never hear the end of it.

Her thoughts discontinue due to the incessant ringing of her iPhone. She pulls the device out of her black GUCCI Dionysus shoulder bag to check the caller identification. She gave the name on the screen an abhorred stare and silenced the call. It was David. How dare he call her after cheating on her? Is he stupid? The answer is yes.

"That bastard. Stop calling me. I do not wish to speak to you. Leave me alone." His fucking her over left a giant aperture in her heart. She honestly thought she wouldn't get over it. She then had to remember who the hell she was. She was Aurora Hollingsworth. A Hollingsworth is powerful and does not dwell over idiocy.

She turned the device off, chucking it on the seat somewhere. At this point, after being in the air for twelve hours and fifty-eight minutes to be exact, she just wanted to go home, and retire to her boudoir, strip out of her clothes, slip into a LA PERLA souple lace trim cotton pajama set and let sleep take over.

The Navigator pulls up in front of the house. The chauffeur, WINSTON, opens the back door for her. She thanks him and then slips out, pulling down the front of her form-fitting multicolored THE ATTICO sequined draped halterneck dress. She then turns around to grab hold of the phone she chucked off to the side earlier and make her way to the front entrance, opening one of the double doors.

 She then turns around to grab hold of the phone she chucked off to the side earlier and make her way to the front entrance, opening one of the double doors

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Walter, who had been in the kitchen, heard the door open and bolted to the grand foyer with a tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. "Miss Hollingsworth, welcome home!" Hearing of her name, the staff lines up behind him, ready to assist.

"Hello, Walter. Thank you. I'm happy to be home." Even though he is the majordomo, Aurora still respects him. He treats her as if she were his granddaughter, which she happens to love. Opposed to her actual grandparents. She loves her grandmother to death, whereas her grandfather tries to use her and Odette for business deals. His plans never work out (except for that one time we won't talk about). Aurora will never let a man manipulate her, regardless of relation.

"Freshly baked chocolate chip cookies just for you. We will have your luggage brought up to your bedroom." He hands her the cookie plate, as he always does when he bakes some for her.

Aurora sends him a genuine smile, and with the plate in hand, she strides over to the elevator. Yes, you read that correctly. There's an elevator in the house. She's still wearing her heels. I know you're probably asking, 'why the hell didn't she take them off?' LISTEN, she's eating warm soft chocolate chip cookies. Would you stop eating cookies to take off some damn shoes? I think not.

She exits the elevator when it stops on the third floor. That entire section belongs to her. She continues walking until she gets to a room with two white double doors, her initials painted on them in gold glitter.

She opens up to see her favorite person in the entire world, JUSTIN MICHAEL WINCHESTER, in head to toe SAINT LAURENT all the way down to the shoes, standing in the middle of her room with a big box of sunflowers and lets out an excited squeal.

"Hi, gorgeous." Justin gives her that bright pearly white smile that happens to be specially crafted just for her. He is her right hand, best friend, her everything. These two have known each other since they were kids. They are NOT dating, but trust me, they want each other. He's single. She's single... not to mention..over her ex. Date already and stop being stubborn. "I missed you so much, Ro. It was lonely without you." He pouted, further expressing his disapproval for her leaving, although he understood why.

Aurora smiles and caresses his cheek. "Don't worry. I am back...and better than ever."

He puts the plate and the boxes of sunflowers down on the glass nightstand by her silk-covered king-sized bed and pulls her into a bear hug, causing her to giggle. "Good. I am not letting your stunning self leave me again. Lay down with me." Him lifting her up only causes them to fall right on the bed.

The pair snuggle up like they always do. Aside from her friends and family, Justin is the only other person that Aurora is soft for and it's going to stay that way.

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