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Last night had gone just like all the other nights

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Last night had gone just like all the other nights. You both went to sleep at a reasonable hour, exhausted from the day's events. But then you had turned over onto your side, and you found yourself facing his front. As you had shifted over the sheets, your fingers had accidentally grazed over his. Realizing what you had done, you slowly pulled your hand away and his breathing became oddly distinctive to you. You closed your eyes again as his breathing evened out. Thankfully, his eyes were closed in a deep sleep. It didn't go unnoticed by you, that for a fraction of a second, his pinky had nearly wrapped around your own.

It's been a few days since you both shared that almost kiss in the bathroom. You thought maybe something had finally happened inside of him to help that thick wall that he had built around himself, to finally come down. You had seen a side of him that you had never seen before.

It comes as a shock to you, but the way he tended to your small injury had given you the courage that you thought would take months for you to gain.

Without hesitation, after he cleaned up your cut, you had reached for his hand before he could get too far away. The thought that you had been right about him all along was running through your head as you touched him and as your eyes met.

You were left cold when he then turned away from you.

The next few days after went by very quietly.

You worked your days at the bar as Marina, trying to find any sign of Silas that you could. It was your duty to try to get what info you could about a man Bucky still hadn't gone into detail about.

At night when you came home, more small moments were shared between the two of you. There were uncertain glances that reminded you of that almost kiss, a representation of a small flicker of hope between the two of you.

Tonight was different.

You sat on the open balcony on top of the tower. You never came out here before, the hesitancy having something to do with the fear of being seen mixed in the the guilt that you were living well. Today, you decided, would be different. You would take a step towards being selfish, for a few moments at least.

The second you stepped out and the wind blew over your face, you knew you had made a good choice. Your eyes gazed over the tall and captivating bright lights of the city. You stoped just before the railings and you sat down.

As you looked down, you wondered if he would be home soon. You wished that he would continue to open up to you, or at least give you something else. You needed one more sign from him.

The winter air blew through your hood and over the sharp edges of your face. Closing your eyes, you tried desperately to shove down the feelings you had felt so deeply for Bucky. They had developed quickly, catching you off guard.

It didn't help that he was finally shedding his skin for you. You knew that you eventually wouldn't be able to hold it in anymore, and that you needed to tell him how you felt. That moment between the two of you in the bathroom still gave you hope that maybe he did feel the same. The last four days gave you even more hope, leaving you optimistic.

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