Run Like Hell

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The second time running through the hallways and passed the guards was less terrifying than the first

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The second time running through the hallways and passed the guards was less terrifying than the first. Maybe it was because this time you were certain you wouldn't be seen. You wanted to desperately worry about Bucky and how he would make it out alive, but you knew you had to stay strong for Ashens. His little arms were like tight vices around your neck and you were thankful he weighed like a feather. Running with him wasn't as difficult as you'd thought it would be, and if he had weighed anymore, it could've potentially risked your life.

Through the halls and past the men, his face hid in your neck. It wasn't until you saw the solid and long concrete ramp leading up towards the open air between the tanks that you felt the burning sensation in your throat to let out a cry.

Instead, you pulled Ashens tighter to you, running out into the open air.

Your legs moved quickly, quicker than you ever remembered them moving in your life, and for a second you were almost worried Ashen's was going to slip out of your arms. But you held on like your life depended on it and you continued that way until you were within the woods and even further into them.

When you felt like it was far enough, you came to a stop just behind a tree and slid down against it.

Your lungs burned ardently within your chest and you felt you diaphragm spasm with strong cramps up against the side of your rips, more specifically the right one. You gasped desperately for air, tilting your head up and letting the rain soak your face.

You pulled Ashens tighter into you and you closed your eyes, letting out a very long and shaky breath.

You had to be strong right now. For you, Ashens, your baby, and for Bucky. You couldn't think about the worst outcome for him right now. It would be too hard on you.

You had to be strong.

After what felt like a few minutes, you run the back of your sleeve under your nose and pull your hood tighter over your head again. Sitting up unto your knees, you slowly pull Ashens off of you until he's standing in front of you. Since you were kneeling, you were now face to face. You took his head in your hands and looked for any possible injuries that you knew wouldn't even be there. Stark tech was impeccable.

You pull his jacket tighter around his face to protect him from the rain and then you patted his sides and shoes.

When you were satisfied, you pulled your backpack from around you and opened it, pulling out a water bottle.

You quickly break the cap, unscrew it, and hand it to Ashens.

He didn't move so you grabbed his little hand and placed it over the bottle.

"You need to drink, honey. Just a little bit." You say, voice broken. He looks at you for a second longer before nodding. He brings it to his lips, taking little gulps. You run your hand just once more over his head, feeling motherly.

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