Almost There

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A/N: This is a very small chapter, but it pushes the plot along. The next one after this is already written, and of course, will be much longer. Just needs to be edited. We are wrapping up, everyone. There will be fluff along the way, and then another smut scene for old times sake. After the next two chapters, I will have an important author's note in regards to this story's ending/s...

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You were excited for Doma.

At first you were hesitant along with everyone else, but it started to grow on you.

The idea of a fresh new start, where your family could be safe and happy, sounded pretty amazing.

It was finally departure day and everyone was ready to go.

It must've been around five AM, maybe a little later, when everyone was preparing to leave.

What could be left behind was left behind, this included some of the larger tents, as well as some miscellaneous items that weren't vital to bring along.

The camp had been divided in groups, even if everyone was leaving together.

Your group, E, consisted of your family, Will, and Sam.

Will and Sam were already talking, discussing what they couldn't wait to do when they arrived to the city.

You hadn't spoken to Will much since your last conversation, and you were thankful that he was willing to drop it.

"Make sure she's wrapped real tight." Bucky says as he finishes helping strap Katerina to your chest in a tight sling you made from a piece of dark grey and ripped fabric.

"She feels tight. I can barely breathe." You grumble.

"We're lucky the weather is warm." Bucky says. "You ready for ten days of walking?"

"A week post labor? Bitch, please. Call me superwoman while you're at it." You reply.

Bucky lets out a hearty laugh and then cups your face.

"You ready for this?"

"I've never been more ready."

+ +

The days are the same as they pass by. There is never any rain.

Lunch and water had been packed appropriately by Group C, and Group D would help set up the quick tents during the nights.

People slept into threes in each one, or sometimes four depending on the size of their group.

Your tent was always you, Bucky, and your daughter. She was tucked in between the both of you with her blanket and then an extra one over the three of you. You had rolled up to medium sized rags on either side of her to make a makeshift crib.

Mornings started early. You would walk for five hours, rest for six, and walk five more. They went easy on you and you were thankful for that.

You were three days away from Doma, and you couldn't wait. You really hoped none of this was a hoax.

On the eighth day is when your group dines with Group A and Group B. It's the first time you've seen Daisy the entire trip. You hadn't spoken to her since that day, not really knowing how you even would.

She had to know you felt awkward about it.

You're eating some tomatoes when you look across the fire to see Daisy sitting there, heating her hands over the flames. You tried not to judge her for trying to get warm. It was summer.

On either side of her is Ashens and Sophie. You couldn't deny how cute they were.

She catches your eyes and smiles and you smile back.

"How is she doing?" She gestures towards Katerina who is strapped to Bucky on the sling.

He is standing and speaking to Steve.

You clear your throat.

"She's good. She hardly cries, which we're thankful for."

Daisy nods.

"How old are you?" You raise a brow at her question, "sorry I didn't mean for it to sound that way. You just look young and curiosity got the best of me. You don't have to tell me."

"Well, considering you're over one hundred, I guess it's only fair I tell you mine. But I won't, since it's not really relevant. I'm over twenty, though."

"Mommy, y/n is the coolest." Ashens says suddenly. It catches Daisy off guard and she looks at her sim before smiling.

"Daisy, can I trust my family will be safe in Doma?"

She gives you a sad look.

"Of course."

+ + +

Three days go by, then five, then eight. They are quiet and calm.

They are optimistic. They are hopeful.

Ashens - Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now