With or Without You

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You're washing the dishes, something so domestically simple, when the little feet come up from behind you.

"Mommy! I found something in your room." She says it in that singing tone that makes you smile.

That's why she does it and it didn't take you very long to catch on.

"Oh yeah?" You ask, not really paying her full mind because you're trying to scrub something off a plate that just won't come off.

Also, Katerina was six. It was probably something silly.

"I told her to stop snooping." You hear fourteen year old Ashens say.

"Yeah, it's a note! It was inside a book in your shelf thingy."

Your stomach drops instantly, and you almost let the soapy plate slip onto the floor.

You spin around.

Katerina's blue eyes were piercing, two Dutch braids were on the back of her head hanging down.

"Let me see." You try to keep your voice leveled as you take the note from her.

You take it an open it.

Your eyes fill with tears.

"Mom, don't cry." Katerina says.

You try to mask it with a laugh, wiping under your eye.

You fold the note back up and place it in your pocket.

You take her hand.

"I want to tell you a story."

+ + +

That night, you tuck yourself in around nine pm. You still couldn't believe you were in this bedroom and this bed, but for some reason that note gave you courage.

It was something so silly and you wonder when he had written it down.

Do you remember him writing it down?

You pull on the little chain thats' around your neck and you look at the vial.

You shake it gently until it glows cyan blue and then a piercing white.

Then you turn towards the bathroom, letting sleep take a hold of you, but it doesn't come.

Your eyes stay on the closed bathroom door.

You think you're seeing things when the bathroom door opens, a steam and yummy smell of shampoo quickly fills your senses.

"Have you been using my shampoo? All that's left is that fruity shit."

His voice.

He steps out into the room already dressed in his pajamas and he's rubbing a white towel against his head trying to dry his hair.

Naturally. Your response comes out naturally.

"Please, you know you just prefer the fruity one."

He looks over at you and gives you a smirk.

Oh how you missed that smile.

He walks over to your and leans down towards you.

When his lips touch yours it feels real. So real.

It's real.

You continue to kiss him, his hand going to your neck as he grabs you there. He slows down until his lips are just hovering slightly over yours.

You take that moment to appreciate his features, save them to memory as best as you can. You even stare at that one little eyelash that was a little crooked, it's edge peaking slightly into the front of his blue irises.

"She's big now." He says, catching you off guard and making you swallow hard, "She's beautiful."

You look down when you see something glowing over his heart.

You place your hand there and he holds it to him.

You miss being able to feel what he feels.

"I love you, Bucky." You manage to croak out.

"I love you, too. With or without you."  He runs his hand over the top of your head and you close your eyes, "Soon." He whispers.


"I leave, you leave?"

"I leave, you leave."

THE     END.

Ashens - Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now