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You can feel him move again

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You can feel him move again. His feet move gently underneath the covers, making you want to fall asleep even more. You didn't like this awkward tension. Not one bit.

He made you feel small tonight. Exposed in a way you never had felt before. You knew it wasn't his fault that he didn't feel the same way, but you felt incredibly led on. You were a little angry, and for the wrong reasons.

You feel him stir again.

"I think it's a child." He says. You aren't sure what to say to his oddly random statement, so you continue to pretend you are asleep, "The person they are trying to save."

He's talking about the mission. You quickly wonder if he's trying to change the subject and that he's that cold, or if it truly is something on his mind. You won't lie, the idea of it being a child that had the virus bothered you, too.

"Why do you think that?" Your voice is hoarse and barely above whisper.

"I don't know. Just based on how I've noticed them act whenever a new shipment comes in. I can tell it matters to Ashen and these people involved." You're silent as he continues, "If it's a child, and if he's been alive this long, it would mean that they have a treatment or something. How is he still alive?" Bucky's voice is distant. You can tell this question is affecting him.

"We'll find out." You say, wanting this conversation to end.

"I need to get in there." You feel him stir again. He's on his back, looking up at the ceiling.

"That's not part of the plan."

"I don't care. We'll change it. I need to find out how Silas is connected to this and I need to know if that building is some kind of Hydra headquarters. I need to know what they are doing and there and with who. It could lead us to the ring leader."

You pause.

"What are you suggesting?" You ask.

He's quiet for a moment and you know he's thinking.

"I don't know yet, but I'll figure it out." He says, "What did he look like, Y/N?"

Doubt fills your belly. You know you should tell him, you know you need to, but part of you still feels like you own the information. It's yours.

"I can't." You squeak out.

"Please." He says quietly.

You feel tears in your eyes at his plea and you slowly open your eyes.

"Is this not enough for you?" You ask.


"You demand and demand information from me, and I always give you what you need, I always try to play by your book, I even went out of my way to tell you how I feel, laying it out on the line for you, my heart, including my most vulnerable side, yet you ask for the one thing that I'm not ready to give." You tuck the comforter under you chin as you look into the city, "Yet, somehow, it's the least important in all of this."

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