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You were beyond anxious for tomorrow

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You were beyond anxious for tomorrow. More so, you were anxious to tell Bucky the news about the baby. You would do it tomorrow morning, you decided.

He had finally walked back into the room after finishing gathering the stuff from the AI when you packed the last of your clothes aside for tomorrow's escape. The feeling of him pressing up against you was soothing. You moaned when you felt his lips linger over your collarbone and slowly make their way up your neck.

He smelled so good.

You still couldn't believe this was real.

"I'm so addicted to you." You groan at his words, letting them sink in. He continued to kiss your neck and right behind your ear. Both of your breathing was heavy and it was the only sound in the room. You pull his hand that is on your hip around to your front. Leaning your head back so it's against his chest, you look up at him. Bucky's right hand goes underneath your chin and you melt at the way he's looking at you. No man has ever looked at you the he was was right now. He looked like he wanted to devour you and yet cherish you, at the same exact time.

Your eyes close on their own once he's halfway towards your lips. This kiss starts off timid and sweet. You build up your momentum just slowly, but not too much too quickly. You lips open a little more and you're able to taste him.

When you pull away, you're staring at each other. Your left hand goes to his face and he leans his forehead on yours.

Another Eskimo kiss.

Was it possible for you heart to explode? Before this you would've been doubtful.

"Make love to me." You whisper, touching his slightly wet lips with your thumb.


You turn around until you're fully facing him and you grab the sides of his neck with both hands, pulling him in for a deep and passionate kiss. He lets out a whimper as your tongue dances over his. His hand goes back to your waist and he pulls you into him until your chests are flush against each other. Your lips leave his and you trail them down over his chin and neck.

He takes the hint when he feels your hands run over the bottom hem of his shirt and underneath until your were touching his skin. His hands go to the bottom of his shirt and he grabs it there, pulling it off in one go. His lips go down to your own neck next and he starts doing the same thing to you, pulling off your shirt and dropping it next to his on the floor.

You're not wearing a bra and he continues his venture down with heavy kisses over your collar bone and over the hills of the breasts. You let out a long whimper as you throw your head back and your hand goes to the back of his head, pulling his mouth closer to your chest. He nibbles and bites until he's over your abdomen and you find it almost humorous, wondering if he really was so blind to not see your swollen belly. Sure, you were smaller than you thought you would be, maybe you would be one of those girls who wouldn't get the bigger belly until closer to the end, but still.

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