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2 Months Later

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2 Months Later

You were grateful for the handrail as your body doubled over in pain. It was uncomfortably cold in the main hall, and in this dark hallway even more so aside from the orange flow of a small chandelier hanging above, and you tried to turn your body away from Pietro as much as you could. You couldn't bare to allow someone to see you like this. It only made it more real.

Being transparent and finally voicing out what you have been going through the last few months ago only served as a sharp reminder that none of it had been a dream.

"You have to tell me what the hell is going on."

Desperation and worry tainted Pietro's voice as he reached for your arm.

"If you don't tell me what's happening, I'm going to have to call someone." He continued.

You ran a hand up your face and ran it over your hair. You could feel the edges of your finger tips moisten from the tears it had picked up along the way and you could taste them as they continued to flow down your cheeks and onto your lips.

You simply couldn't breathe.

"No, no..." you repeated, trying to stop him from calling someone else. You reached blindly for him to keep him still and in place.

Pietro's head tilted down to watch your face as you fought to catch your breath.

"You've gotta talk to me. You're scaring the shit out of me." He says, "Y/N..." he adds softly.

"I - I'm sorry, It's just finally all hitting me at once." You managed to squeak out. You began to feel faint and your left arm shot out next to you as you tried to lower yourself down onto one of the gorgeous marble steps.

You felt the heat of his body as he sat himself next to you. You watched his black and sharp dress shoes from behind blurry tears, feeling the warmth of his hand as he took yours into his.

"What's hitting you at once?" His voice was soft. You eventually caught your breath and you let out a long breath, "Who hurt you?"

36 Hours Earlier

It was hot. Scorching, fiery hot. So was Bucky's skin where your arms wrapped around his neck and where the back of your thighs hit his legs. He was so close to you; you were both so close you melted into each other.

Sweat ran down his face as did yours.

"You've gotta cum." His voice was husky and rough, curving out into a begging whine. His breath hit your cheek as he panted.

This was raw.

You knew it wouldn't take much longer for your orgasm to hit you.

When did you start crying?

Why hasn't he said anything about it?

"I can't, Bucky." You cry. He takes your face in his hands, grunting as you bounce over him just right. You could feel his searing rod inside of your cunt and you could feel the softness of his flesh palm just over the curvature of your jaw. Hot tears streak down your face as you continue to take him into your hot core; into your deepest crevices. His head was bent backwards at almost a ninety degree angle just to look up at you. His features were tense, on the edge of his own orgasm just like you. Your tits rubbed up and down and over his chest, mixing in with your sweat, "I can't," you suddenly sobbed, reaching down for the tops of his arms by his shoulders, and looking him in the eye, "I don't want to. I don't want to cum anymore." You repeated over and over again, still bouncing and chasing your climax. Your lips were swollen from being bit by your own teeth. Despite your desperate plead for this to end, him inside you still felt amazing and you were just as desperate for your orgasm and for the temporary immense pleasure it would give you.

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